The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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The Evening Post
November 20, 1997

Ellis case cop defends relationships
by Neil Reid

The Christchurch police officer who investigated the Peter Ellis child abuse case today defended having a relationship with a mother of one of the child complainants.

Former Detective Colin Eade agreed he had relationships with two mothers whose children attended the creche at the centre of the inquiry - and that he propositioned a third mother.

But Mr Eade told National Radio this morning the relationships with a complainant's mother and the mother of another creche child happened after he left the police. "It was after the inquiry and after I had left the police. As far as I am concerned, if relationships happen at that time then it is up to us."

Police yesterday launched an inquiry into the Ellis investigation, in particular the actions of Mr Eade.

Ellis was found guilty of sexually abusing children at the Christchurch Civic Childcare Centre between 1986 and 1992. He has served four years of a 10-year jail sentence.

A report on TV3's 20/20 television programme last Sunday claimed Mr Eade had intimate relationships with the mothers of two of the child complainants and attempted to have a relationship with a third.

He said he regretted making an "inappropriate" proposition to another parent of a creche child during the investigation.

"I came home late one Saturday night after having a night out on the town and I received a phone call from one of the parents." He made a comment he regretted, Mr Eade would not reveal what he said.

However, Mr Eade said Ellis was "guilty without a doubt" and he would co-operate with any inquiry into the case to dispel any suggestion that Ellis was innocent.

The 20/20 programme said Mr Eade was under considerable stress during the investigation. Mr Eade said today he did not think that stress affected his actions or caused a lack of judgment during the case.

Mr Eade left police under the Police Employment Rehabilitation Fund (Perf), citing a post-traumatic stress disorder.

Ellis' lawyer, Judith Ablett-Kerr, was not available for comment today.

Police Association president Greg O'Connor today supported Mr Eade and said people had to remember a jury had convicted Ellis.