The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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The Timaru Herald
November 21, 1997

Police inquiry welcome

The police are right to conduct an inquiry into their investigation of Peter Ellis, the Christchurch creche worker who is four years into a 10-year sentence for child molestation. Last Sunday's 20/20 television programme exposed some disturbing conduct by Detective Colin Eade, who headed the investigation, claiming he had psychological difficulties at the time and that he had intimate relationships with the mothers of two of the child complainants and tried to have a relationship with a third. Links were also made between two jurors and the crown case.

Another aspect of concern is the claim that Mr Eade was largely left to his own devices to run the investigation. This high profile, complex case, which had 80 potential complainants and 10 to 12 potential defendants, deserved a team of experienced officers. The danger is, as seems to have transpired, that an individual view becomes too narrow and the person loses perspective.

The police inquiry might not lead to the release of Peter Ellis, but it might mean a revamping of police procedures for such cases. It is worthwhile for that reason alone.