The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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From: Miche ([email protected])
Subject: Re: HARD NEWS 21/11/97
Newsgroups: nz.general, nz.politics,
Date: November 21, 1997

Russell Brown wrote:
Melanie Reid's excellent 20/20 investigation didn't present all that much which was new about the case, just placed all the doubt where we could see it. We now know that the cop who drove the investigation, Detective Colin Eade, was not only psychologically unwell, but that he sexually harassed one of the creche mothers and then went on to have sexual relationships with no fewer than three women involved in the case.

Megan Pledger <[email protected]> writes:
Actually it was fewer then three, it was two according to the National Radio interview of Eade yesterday and I'm pretty sure they said the same thing on 20/20.

Russell is actually right in that it was three women, but the third only came to light _after_ the doco was aired. The third was involved with the prosecution; the other two mentioned were mothers of children involved.

Miche Campbell