The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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From: David McLoughlin ([email protected])
Subject: Re: HARD NEWS 21/11/97
Newsgroups: nz.general, nz.politics,
Date: 1997/11/22

[email protected] wrote:
It makes you wonder why the woman was ringing that late. It seems that Eade was set up by the woman, the speed with which the complaint was made shows that there was an orchestrated campaign to discredit him even then.

Far from setting out to set Eade up, the woman concerned was the organiser of the parents' support group set up around the mother who started the whole thing. She was also the organiser of the first creche parents' meeting, which Eade addressed.

This woman was a total believer in the claims of abuse and looked to Eade to support her, not try to get her into his bed.

David McLoughlin
Auckland New Zealand