The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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Sunday News

November 23, 1997



The Christchurch Civic Creche case just wont go away. And Peter Ellis may yet get out of jail before serving his full time for abusing children at the creche. 

Revelations this week an investigating officer, Colin Eade, propositioned one of the complainant mothers, had affairs with two others and had psychiatric problems were not the end of the probe.  It was also revealed the crown prosecutor knew the jury foreman.

These revelations do nothing to garner faith in our justice system.

If Ellis is innocent he has been delivered a cruel blow. He has already served four years of a 10-year sentence. It's alarming a television investigation could turn up this evidence on the Crown prosecutor and the investigating officer and the police themselves had remained unaware. 

An inquiry is underway but it's four years too late for Ellis, who has consistently proclaimed his innocence.