The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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Waikato Times
December 3, 1997

Letter to the Editor
Possible errors
by Frank MacSkasy  (Dunedin)

I am pleased that NZ First MPs, collectively, have taken an interest in the case of Peter Ellis, pictured, convicted for child-abuse crimes in Christchurch.

I sincerely hope that they also display similar interest in the situation of David Bain -- whose conviction for the murders of his family has also raised questions and public concerns as to the validity of "evidence" used to convict him.

In both cases, there is a strong possibility that miscarriages of justice have occurred. Through a combination of circumstantial evidence and dubious police investigation methods, convictions were achieved which are now regarded by many as unsafe and unsupportable by a re-evaluation of the facts. David Dougherty's case once again dramatically highlights the very real occurrence of a miscarriage of justice in our society.

What we do about Peter Ellis and David Bain will determine whether we are interested in finding the truth, or ignoring it for convenience sake.