The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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Sunday News
December 7, 1997

Letter to the Editor
Ellis case was a waste of so much
by E Williams,

The only new-old allegations against Peter Ellis to warrant yet another "hysterical bandwagon" against him will be proof he really was "the Devil incarnate."

So Dr Read (Sunday News Nov 30) need not leap on that particular bandwagon. Melanie Reid and David McLoughlin are both reputable journalists who were involved in this case from the beginning and doing their own investigations gained first-hand knowledge - not second-hand from text books and the writings of others.

It seems only those who believe are on the side of the angels and those who doubt are in denial and those who disagree with the logic are in league with the Devil. If the police, public, parents, psychologists and councillors had not jumped on that first bandwagon, created by hysteria imported from the US we could have been spared hundreds of hours of agony, millions of dollars and multi millions of words and hundreds of shattered lives.