The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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Phone/fax: 0-9-372 6429

14 Tui Street,

Oneroa, Waiheke Island 1240,

New Zealand


18 December 1997


Peter Ellis

Rolleston Prison

P0 Box 45




Dear Peter

I suspect you may have been inundated with mail over the last few weeks, but have decided to add to the deluge for two reasons.


Firstly, to offer you support and encouragement. I followed your trial with interest and considerable disbelief. Since the recent TV programmes and newspaper articles, I have become appalled at the way the justice system has treated you. I am not a religious person in the traditional sense, but have been asking the universe that you receive a fair hearing and pardon.


For years I carried around "memories" of having been sexually abused as a five-year-old. Those memories still affect the way I relate with other people, despite some help from a skilled counsellor. It was during counselling that I began to have serious doubts that an overactive imagination hadn't made up the abuse. Those doubts began emerging at the time of your trial time of your trial, which is why I felt such unease about the claims being made against you.


My second reason for writing is to offer whatever help I can if you wish to tell the world your story. By now you will be aware that a mother of one of the child accusers has had a book published telling her side of the story. I designed and produced that book for the publisher.  I am not particularly proud of myself for being involved, lacking the courage to jeopardise a working relationship with a good client. I rationalised to myself that the book was going to be published anyway - I may as well do it - then contact you and offer help if you chose to write a book telling your side of the story. I am a freelance book editor/designer/packager who has connections with all the major book publishers in Auckland.


Your story deserves to be told so that society can learn from this tragedy. If I can help in any way, you only have to ask. It would be good for the country to read about the hell you have obviously been through. You may even find writing a book therapeutic, helping you to put the pain behind you. Publishing a book in New Zealand will not make you rich as the market is just too small - you will, though be able to earn a little money.


I regret that distance prevents me offering too much comfort, however, if it helps, my thoughts are with you.  If it is possible to have a happy festive season in your present circumstances, then I trust that you do. And here's hoping 1998 brings a pardon so that you can begin rebuilding your life. The pressure for justice in your case is growing and I am sure it will eventually prevail.


Best  Wishes


Graeme Leather






A Mother's Story

All rights reserved.

ISBN: 0-9583717-0-9

Typeset in Utopia

Book design and layout by Graeme Leather, Island Bridge

Cover Photo: The Christchurch Press

Printed in Australia by Australian Print Group