The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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Sunday Star Times
December 21, 1997

Letter to the Editor
Who to believe?
by Nan Millard  (Christchurch)

Keran Mills (December 7) criticises Frank Haden for his article about the Ellis case and begs him to believe the children. She does not make clear, however, exactly what he should believe.

Is it the 13 allegations for which Peter Ellis is serving a prison sentence, or all the 25 charges he faced in court? Three of these were later denied by one child and the other nine discarded by the jury. Is he to believe all the allegations which led to some 60 original charges, only 25 of which reached the High Court?

Then there are the numerous other stories of extraordinary events related by the children which the police and prosecutor never believed in the first place or more charges would have been laid. Should he believe these too, regardless?

How can he know which to believe, Keran?