The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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The Civic Creche Child Sex Trial
Joy Bander
118 pages
17 Chapters
ISBN: 0-9583717-0-9
First edition published 1997 (Dec) by
Howling At The Moon Productions Ltd,
PO Box 16-233, Sandringham
Auckland, New Zealand
Copyright Joy Bander, 1997
Copyright Howling At The Moon Productions Ltd, 1997
Printed in Australia by Australian Print Group

Front Cover:
The Civic Creche Child Sex Trial
Joy Bander

When a little boy needed his Mum to "believe me", it began a series of events that ended with the jailing of Christchurch Creche worker Peter Ellis for child sex crimes. Now, for the first time, that little boy's mother is breaking her silence, so you can judge the evidence.  This is her story

Back Cover:
It has become one of New Zealand's most controversial criminal cases: the alleged sexual abuse of a group of children at a city council operated creche.

Childcare worker Peter Ellis was convicted and jailed, but some people now claim he is innocent - a victim of a Salem-style witch hunt.

The challenge is: read this book and decide for yourself whether the evidence was sufficient to convict - were the children really abused?

You've heard the claims of those who believe Ellis is innocent. Now read the testimony of the prosecution's chief witness, and don't make up your mind until you reach the end.

Peter Ellis: guilty or innocent?

You be the judge

About the Author
Joy Bander is a pseudonym. The judge in the Civic creche trial suppressed the identities of the children involved so, where necessary, names have been changed.