The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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January 30 1998


Subject: peter ellis 

by James H Oxnam ([email protected])


I have read the book and I have some comments to make. I am not going outside the book, here  The mother was told not to put ideas into her child's head. For example:


"Don't ask your child any leading questions", they said. "Do not put ideas into the child's head, but wait for your child to make comments about anything at the creche. Then reply with an open-ended question". [29]


So what does she do?


"When Alec and I began talking things over when we got home,  we decided that on the following day we would tell Tommy about the meeting and then ask him some questions." [29]


"Why did I do that? The way we worked with Tommy, was that if there was a problem we would ask him a direct question. I asked him a direct question which was "Did Peter Ellis touch his penis or bottom?"  [29]


A closed ended question, which at the same time put ideas in Tommy's head that Peter could have touched him. She doesn't stop with no, however, she would grill her child once a week:


"I wanted to know more about his relationship with Peter, and so about once a week I would introduce the subject." [31]

And after weeks the boy 'confesses' to his brother.


In May 1992 my oldest son George was reading Tommy a story in bed. ... Tommy talked of abuse that Peter had performed on him and said "he smacked my bottom really, really hard. I couldn't hear the smack, but it really hurt."


George said, "that was very, very wrong of Peter to do that, and you are very good to tell me about what Peter did to you". [32]


In other words, this mother had another one of her sons interrogating Tommy.  It should come as no surprise that this poor kid came to believe that he had been abused. It seems that he was asked about the so-called 'abuse' 24 hours a day - in bed for heck's sake! Which is the sort of thing that the SS would do in Germany.  This child was indeed abused: by his mother, not Peter Ellis.


This book makes me certain that Peter Ellis could not be guiltily.



James Oxnam