The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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This page last updated October 4 2008

1998-1219 - The Press - Bail denied for Ellis
Convicted pedophile Peter Ellis has lost his chance to be free for Christmas. The Appeal Court in Wellington yesterday said Ellis, who maintains he is innocent of abusing children at the Christchurch civic creche, would have to stay in jail until May 31, when his second Appeal Court hearing will be held

1998-1219 - Otago Daily Times - Appeal court refuses Ellis bail bid
Convicted child molester Peter Ellis would not be allowed out of jail for Christmas, the Court of Appeal decided yesterday

1998-1219 - Waikato Times - Ellis waits for bail ruling
Convicted Christchurch Civic Creche child abuser Peter Ellis will have to wait to find out if he will be freed pending a rare second appeal. The Court of Appeal ruled yesterday that the appeal, made possible after the intervention of Governor-General Sir Michael Hardie Boys, would be before five judges at the end of May

1998-1218 - The Press - Ellis to hear about freedom
Peter Ellis could hear today if he will be free from jail on bail for Christmas. Ellis is serving his sixth year of a seven-year jail sentence on convictions of abusing children at the Christchurch Civic Childcare Centre where he worked. A decision on his bail application, made yesterday at the Appeal Court in Wellington, was to be released today or early next week.

1998-1218 - Otago Daily Times - Ellis waiting for bail decision pending second appeal
Convicted Christchurch Civic Creche child abuser Peter Ellis will have to wait a day or two to find out if he will be freed pending a rare second appeal

1998-1217 - Waikato Times - Ellis seeks bail
The lawyer acting for convicted child abuser Peter Ellis is seeking bail for him for the second time this year. Ellis has always maintained his innocence of the 13 convictions of child abuse at the Christchurch Civic Creche for which he was jailed more than five years ago.

1998-1217 - The Press - Lawyer seeks Ellis's bail ahead of hearing
The lawyer acting for convicted child abuser Peter Ellis is seeking bail for him for the second time this year. Ellis has always maintained his innocence of the 13 convictions of child abuse at the Christchurch Civic Creche, for which he was jailed more than five years ago. Lawyer Judith Ablett-Kerr confirmed yesterday that she would apply for his bail today in the Appeal Court in Wellington ahead of a new Appeal Court hearing.

1998-1217 - Radio NZ - Court Appeal reserves bail request
The Court of Appeal has reserved its decision on a second bail application by convicted Christchurch child sex abuser Peter Ellis

1998-1217 - Court of Appeal - Judgement
Judgement re Bail

1998-1217 - Otago Daily Times - Bail sought for Ellis today
The lawyer acting for convicted child abuser Peter Ellis is seeking bail for him for the second time this year.

1998-1117 - The Press - New bid to free Ellis
petition to free and pardon convicted pedophile Peter Ellis has been sent to Governor-General Sir Michael Hardie Boys, Ellis's lawyer says. Judith Ablett-Kerr, QC, said the petition produced new information for Sir Michael to consider, some of which was highly sensitive. The petition -- the second seeking to free Ellis -- also asked for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the entire Christchurch Civic Creche investigation and set the grounds for setting up such a commission, Mrs Ablett-Kerr said

1998-1117 - Otago Daily Times - Petition to free and pardon Ellis sent
A petition to free and pardon convicted paedophile Peter Ellis has been sent to the Governor-General, Sir Michael Hardie Boys, his lawyer says.

1998-1027 - Dominion - Waitai joins chorus of calls for Ellis to be freed
NZ First MP Rana Waitai, a former Gisborne police commander, has made a strong plea for the freeing of convicted child-molester Peter Ellis and has renewed calls for a commission of inquiry.

1998-1025 - Sunday News - Free Peter Ellis
by Rana Waitai - I visited Peter Ellis in Rolleston prison last week…….The litany of fantastic complaints from alleged child victims is really something else. How sane officials and bureaucrats, let alone parents, could accept those stories makes one marvel at the mindless hysteria generated by the sexual and ritual abuse industries. But then, of course, much of the children's evidence was never put to the court because it was fantastic nonsense….

1998-1006 - The Press - Ellis conviction probe call ready soon
A petition requesting a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the conviction of former Christchurch Civic Childcare Centre worker Peter Ellis for child abuse is nearly ready. Dunedin lawyer Judith Ablett-Kerr, QC, said yesterday the petition would be delivered to Governor-General Sir Michael Hardie Boys within 10 days.

1998-1006 - Otago Daily Times - Ellis petition nearer
A petition requesting a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the conviction of former Christchurch Civic Creche worker Peter Ellis for child abuse is nearly ready

1998-09 - Moral Panics - by Jeffrey Victor
Moral panics and the social construction of deviant behavior: a theory and application to the case of ritual child abuse.Sociological Perspectives, Fall/1998 by Jeffrey Victor

1998-0811 - Sunday Star Times - Inquiry Call
Letter to the Editor by Joyce Gibson -
It is ironic that Doug Graham has spent the last few years dedicated to resolving injustices of the past while choosing to ignore present ones. These will be left for some future minister of justice to sort out.

1998-0729 - The Dominion - Authority Rejects Complaint
A complaint of bias and unfairness in a TV3 20/20 programme last November about convicted child-molester Peter Ellis has been rejected by the Broadcasting Standards Authority. The complaint by the Auckland-based Child Advocacy Trust failed despite its assertions of further "corroborative and physical evidence" of Ellis's guilt, beyond the children's statements. It was unable to satisfactorily provide such evidence. The 20/20 programme reviewed the investigations into alleged molestations at the Christchurch Civic Creche leading to Ellis's conviction. In that context it also reviewed the credibility of child witnesses. 

1998-0723 - Broadcasting Standards Authority - Complaint by Child Advocacy Trust
Before the Broadcasting Standards Authority, In the matter of a complaint by Child Advocacy Trust vs TV3 Network Services Limited - Decision

1998-0624 - Otago Daily Times - Family's account of Civic creche case
By Lisa Hearn, Otago Daily Times editorial staff.
A Mother’s Story : The Civic Creche Child Sex Trial by Joy Bander
Howling at the Moon Productions, pbk, $19.95.

Many believe Ellis was the victim of a witch-hunt fuelled by hysterical parents, seeing the evidence of the child complainants as contaminated and insufficient to seal a true conviction. Joy Bander, the author of this book, does not share this opinion. Writing under a pseudonym in keeping with the identity suppression orders made by the trial judge, Bander is the mother of one of the child complainants who gave evidence of abuse by Ellis while in his care at the creche.

1998-0616 - Waikato Times - Ellis backers scorn police review
NZPA - Supporters of Peter Ellis have poured scorn on a police review clearing a former detective who propositioned the mother of an alleged victim. The review followed revelations last year that a key detective on the Christchurch civic crèche case, Colin Eade, had relationships with the mothers of two alleged victims. It also revealed he propositioned a third mother while the case was under way, and that he felt he should have been on anti-depressants during the investigation

1998-0616 - The Press - Ellis supporters mock review
by Martin Van Beynen - Supporters of Peter Ellis have poured scorn on a police review clearing a former detective who propositioned the mother of an alleged victim …………. Winston Wealleans, a spokesman for a group supporting Peter Ellis, said the review was “hilarious''. He found it “astounding'' that a detective who got drunk and then propositioned the distressed mother of an alleged victim could be seen as not impaired. ``We would like to know what psychology qualifications Detective Superintendent Millar has got to enable to make this finding,'' he said.

1998-0616 - Otago Daily Times - Ellis supporters ridicule report
Supporters of Peter Ellis yesterday poured scorn on a police review clearing a former detective who propositioned the mother of an alleged victim. The review followed revelations last year that a key detective on the Christchurch creche case, Colin Eade, had relationships with the mothers of two alleged victims. The review by Detective Superintendent Jim Millar cleared Mr Eade, saying his judgement was not impaired in any significant way.

1998-0615 - Waikato Times - Ellis crèche case: policeman cleared
NZPA - The policeman at the centre of the Christchurch crèche abuse case has been cleared following a top-level police investigation. Despite admitting a relationship with one victim's mother, and propositioning another, former Christchurch Detective Colin Eade had done nothing wrong, the report said

1998-0615 - The Dominion - Report clears crèche detective
by Alan Samson - A police internal report has cleared Detective Colin Eade of any wrongdoing in his investigation of the Christchurch crèche case. Mr Eade had earlier admitted a relationship with one victim's mother and of propositioning another. It was also reported that he was suffering psychological problems during some parts of his investigation

1998-0615 - The Press - Policeman cleared
NZPA - The policeman at the centre of the Christchurch creche abuse case has been cleared after a top-level police investigation. Despite admitting a relationship with one victim's mother, and propositioning another, former Christchurch detective Colin Eade had done nothing wrong, the report said.

1998-0615 - Evening Post - Report clears civic crèche detective
NZPA - The former policeman who was at the centre of the Christchurch crèche abuse case has been cleared following a top level police investigation, it was reported yesterday. Despite admitting a relationship with one victim's mother, and propositioning another, former Christchurch detective Colin Eade had done nothing wrong, the report said.

1998-0614 - Sunday News - Ellis caught in ritual abuse web
by Rana Waitai - The case of Peter Ellis came and went when his application for bail was turned down. There had been a time seven years ago when, in my police capacity, I and other policemen were curious about some odd aspects of the investigation. It seemed that a new form of investigation had been developed for sexual abuse allegations in which the usual rules of police inquiry were suspended.

1998-0614 - Sunday News - Crèche cop cleared by top-level inquiry
by Joseph Lose - The cop at the centre of the Christchurch crèche abuse case has been cleared following a top-level police investigation. Despite admitting a relationship with one victim's mother, and propositioning another while drunk, former Christchurch Detective Colin Eade had done nothing wrong, the report said. The report, called for by Police Commissioner Peter Doone, said Eade was not suffering psychological problems during the 1992 investigation into abuse allegations at the Christchurch Civic Crèche

1998-0611 - Waikato Times - Inquiry sought for Ellis case
NZPA - Lawyers working to free convicted child abuser Peter Ellis will apply for a royal commission of inquiry into his case. Ellis maintains he is innocent of the 13 convictions of child abuse at the Christchurch Civic Childcare Centre he was jailed for more than five years ago.

1998-0611 - The Press - Ellis team to seek inquiry
Lawyers working to free convicted child abuser Peter Ellis will apply for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into his case. Ellis maintains he is innocent of the 13 convictions of child abuse at the Christchurch Civic Childcare Centre for which he was jailed more than five years ago.

1998-0610 - Waikato Times - Bail bid refusal kills final hope held by Ellis
NZPA - Peter Ellis held only a 5 per cent hope he would be released from jail on bail. Even that was dashed yesterday when he heard his bail application was refused, his mother Lesley Ellis said. "He's angry," she said. "He feels they're just pushing us around. We feel like the minor players in this. The whole thing has got so much bigger than just us."

1998-0610 - Evening Post - No bail, but fight goes on
NZPA - Convicted child sex abuser Peter Ellis, whose bid for bail pending a second Appeal Court hearing into his case was rejected yesterday, has always maintained his innocence. Peter Hugh McGregor Ellis, 40, is in the sixth year of a 10-year prison sentence after having been found guilty of sexually abusing children under his care at the Christchurch Civic Crèche between 1986 and 1991

1998-0610 - The Press - Ellis's lawyer may appeal to Privy Council
by Elinore Wellwood - The lawyer acting for convicted child abuser Peter Ellis may go to the Privy Council in London now that Ellis's bail application has been refused…….. The Governor-General declined her petition for a free pardon, but referred Ellis's case back to the Appeal Court. Mrs Ablett-Kerr said last night: ``Peter's upset. He doesn't understand how they've reached the decision.''.

1998-0610 - The Press - Bail rejection 'right decision'
The mother of a child allegedly abused at the Christchurch Civic Childcare Centre said the decision to refuse Peter Ellis bail was the right one. ``It proves that a trial by media will not pervert justice.'' In Wellington yesterday, Appeal Court justices Richardson, Gault, and Henry released their decision refusing convicted child abuser Ellis bail, ahead of a second Appeal Court appearance this year.

1998-0610 - Otago Daily Times - Ellis team weighs options
Convicted child abuser Peter Ellis was expected to discuss further options with his defence team in Christchurch last night, after the Court of Appeal yesterday turned down his application for bail

1998-0610 - Otago Daily Times - Ellis bail application fails
Convicted child abuser Peter Ellis held only a 5% hope he would be released from jail on bail. Even that was dashed yesterday when he heard his bail application had been refused, said his mother, Lesley Ellis.

1998-0609 - Waikato Times - Court of Appeal rejects Ellis bail application
The Court of Appeal has rejected a bid by convicted child abuser Peter Ellis for bail. Ellis, 40, who is in the sixth year of a 10-year sentence on 13 counts of sexually abusing children under his care at the Christchurch Civic Creche, has maintained his innocence throughout.

1998-0609 - The Press - Ellis decision today
A decision on convicted child abuser Peter Ellis's release from jail on bail is due today at 10am

1998-0609 - Court of Appeal - Judgement
By Order in Council of 4 May 1998 His Excellency the Administrator of the Government referred the question of the 13 convictions of Peter Hugh McGregor Ellis for sexual offences against children to this court.  The reference is based on certain developments. Two preliminary matters have been the particular subject of submission to the court. The first concerns the scope of the reference. The second is an application for bail.

1998-0608 - Waikato Times - Ellis' mother resigned
NZPA - The mother of convicted child abuser Peter Ellis is philosophical about her son's chances of being granted bail today. Ellis, 40, who is in the sixth year of a 10-year sentence on 13 counts of sexually abusing children under his care at the Christchurch Civic Creche, has maintained his innocence throughout.

1998-0608 - The Press - Saga of Ellis reaches 5-year mark
by Martin Van Beynen - Five years ago, almost to the day, a jury returned to the Christchurch High Court and gave guilty verdicts against creche worker Peter Ellis. It was Saturday June 6, 1993, the courtroom was unlit, and parents of the complainants wept as the guilty verdicts were read out. Ellis has always maintained his innocence, and the controversy about the case has never gone away.

1998-0606 - The Press - Ellis bail ruling remains secret
A decision has been made about whether convicted child abuser Peter Ellis will get out of jail on bail -- but it will be kept secret until at least Monday. Ellis's mother, Lesley, said yesterday she knew nothing about the result of a bail application on Thursday.

1998-0606 - Otago Daily Times - Ellis bail ruled on but not announced
A decision has been made about whether convicted child abuser Peter Ellis will get out of jail on bail - but it will remain secret until at least Monday

1998-0605 - Waikato Times - Ellis hearing kept secret
A hearing was conducted behind closed doors at the Appeal Court in Wellington for convicted child abuser Peter Hugh McGregor Ellis. Ellis' lawyer, Dunedin Queen's Counsel Judith Ablett-Kerr, refused comment at the conclusion of yesterday's three-hour hearing. "What happened, happened in chambers. That's all I can say."

1998-0605 - The Press - Ellis on tenterhooks as Appeal Court judges delay bail decision     

by Elinore Wellwood - Lesley Ellis does not know if her son, convicted child abuser Peter Ellis, will be released from jail on bail. Neither did he, last night. “I have spoken to him; he knows no more than I do,'' Mrs Ellis said last night. “He was just doing the laundry as usual. Getting on with it, the same as me.''

1998-0605 - Otago Daily Times - No comment from lawyer on Ellis case
A hearing was conducted behind closed doors at the Appeal Court in Wellington yesterday for convicted child abuser Peter Hugh McGregor Ellis

1998-0603 - Otago Daily Times - A son who now needs his mother
by Susan Pepperell of the Waikato Times -
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a mother knows best. Lesley Ellis had four children and she knew. She calls it her "funny feeling". The feeling that told her one day she would be called on to go that bit extra for her first-born; that of all her children, Peter would need her most.

1998-0528 - Otago Daily Times - Peter Ellis hearing
Convicted child abuser Peter Ellis will have a hearing in front of the Court of Appeal on June 4.

1998-0522 - The Press - Complaint over Ellis article not upheld - Press Council
NZPA - The parents of a child who was a victim in a child sex abuse case involving Peter Ellis have complained to the Press Council against an opinion article published by The Press. The article was by a named freelance journalist whose central thesis was that Peter Ellis might have been wrongly convicted, and that an injustice might thereby have been perpetrated. The council does not uphold the complaint.

1998-0521 - The Press - Child care : not as easy as it looks
Title only - content not available

1998-0515 - Otago Daily Times - Belief and beyond it
I have come to the reluctant conclusion that two and a half percent of New Zealanders are stark staring mad….Two and a half percent believe everything those kids said Peter Ellis did to them.

1998-0512 - The Press - Peter Ellis may leave jail on bail within weeks
Title only - content not available

1998-0512 - Otago Daily Times - Ellis appeal court date to be set
Christchurch: Convicted child abuser Peter Ellis could be out of jail within weeks, if his bail application is successful. A spokesman for lawyer Judith Ablett-Kerr said yesterday a bail application was being prepared, and should be lodged within weeks. Three weeks ago, Ellis made history when he got permission to take his case back to the Appeal Court. Mrs Ablett-Kerr applied to Justice Minister Doug Graham for a special temporary release. Her request was turned down.

1998-0428 - The Press - Ellis denied special release
Convicted child abuser Peter Ellis has been declined a special release from jail by Justice Minister Doug Graham. Lawyer Judith Ablett-Kerr, QC, said yesterday her special request for Mr Graham to use his discretion to free Ellis had failed. A further application for bail would be considered when the Court of Appeal formally received the matter, she said.

1998-0428 - Otago Daily Times - Special release for Ellis refused
Christchurch: Convicted child abuser Peter Ellis has been refused a special release from jail by Justice Minister Doug Graham.

1998-0419 - Usenet - Eade's disengagement from police
by Winston Wealleans  ….”
A bit concerning really if this instance of Superintendent Hall's incompetence and ignorance of information issues is typical.

1998-0406 - The Press - Ellis's second chance before Court of Appeal 
by Martin Van Beynen - The Governor-General has referred the Christchurch civic creche child-molestation case back to the Court of Appeal. Martin Van Beynen outlines the arguments that will be made.

1998-0402 - Timaru Herald - Ellis saga builds
Editorial - ….The Ellis case is headed down much the same path as the Thomas saga, and might well provide a similar ending. In the Thomas case police were found to have planted evidence; police conduct has been questioned in the Christchurch civic crèche investigation. A 20/20 television programme last year exposed some disturbing conduct by investigation boss Detective Colin Eade, alleging he had psychological problems and that he had intimate relationships with the mothers of two of the child complainants and tried to have a relationship with a third

1998-0331 - The Press - Ellis to apply for bail
Convicted child abuser Peter Ellis wants to get out of jail on bail. On Friday, lawyer Judith Ablett-Kerr announced Governor-General Sir Michael Hardie Boys had given permission for Ellis's case to go the Appeal Court. Yesterday, Mrs Ablett-Kerr said it would take some time to apply for bail because of legal procedures.

1998-0331 - Otago Daily Times - Ellis move
Convicted child abuser Peter Ellis wants to get out of jail on bail.  On Friday, lawyer Judith Ablett-Kerr, QC, said the Governor-General, Sir Michael Hardie Boys, had given permission for Ellis' case to go back to the Court of Appeal, in an historic move

1998-0330 - Waikato Times - Glimmer of freedom for Ellis
Convicted child abuser Peter Ellis will spend his 40th birthday today celebrating a legal milestone and the glimmer of freedom. On Friday Ellis was told his convictions had been referred back to the Court of Appeal by Governor-General Sir Michael Hardie Boys. The appeal may be heard within three months

1998-0330 - The Press - Ellis holds hope of bail
by Kevin Taylor - Convicted child abuser Peter Ellis will spend his 40th birthday today celebrating a legal milestone and the glimmer of freedom. Ellis's mother, Lesley Ellis, and his lawyer, Judith Ablett-Kerr, met Ellis in Paparua Prison on Saturday to discuss the implications of the decision of the Governor-General, Sir Michael Hardie Boys, on Friday to refer his convictions back to the Court of Appeal. The appeal may be heard within three months.

1998-0328 - Waikato Times - Ellis hoping for bail
Convicted child abuser Peter Ellis will meet his lawyer today to discuss the possibility of bail after his case was yesterday referred back to the Court of Appeal. Justice Minister Doug Graham yesterday announced Governor-General Sir Michael Hardie Boys had referred Ellis' convictions to the Appeal Court. His bid for a free pardon had been rejected

1998-0328 - Waikato Times - Ellis 'over the moon'
Convicted child abuser Peter Ellis has won his petition to have his case considered by the Court of Appeal. His lawyer, Judith Ablett-Kerr, last night said she and Ellis were "over the moon". Mrs Ablett-Kerr said it had happened less than 10 times in New Zealand's legal history that someone in circumstances similar to Ellis had been allowed to appeal. "This is huge."

1998-0328 - Evening Post - Ellis pardon refused, but rehearing ordered
NZPA - Convicted child abuser Peter Ellis was to meet his lawyer today to discuss the possibility of bail after his case was referred yesterday back to the Court of Appeal. Justice Minister Doug Graham announced yesterday that Governor-General Sir Michael Hardie Boys had referred Ellis' convictions to the Appeal Court. His bid for a free pardon had been rejected, the Minister said.

1998-0328 - The Press - Ellis allowed appeal of sex convictions
by Elinore Wellwood - Convicted child abuser Peter Ellis has won his petition to go to the Court of Appeal. Ellis has made legal history, lawyer Judith Ablett-Kerr said yesterday. Justice Minister Doug Graham last night announced that Governor-General Sir Michael Hardie Boys had referred Ellis's convictions for sexually abusing children to the Appeal Court for further consideration

1998-0328 - Otago Daily Times - Ellis happy with chance to appeal
Convicted child abuser Peter Ellis has won his petition to have his case considered by the Court of Appeal. His lawyer, Judith Ablett-Kerr, QC, said last night that she and Ellis were "over the moon". Mrs Ablett-Kerr said it had happened fewer than 10 times in New Zealand's legal history that someone in circumstances similar to Ellis' had been allowed to appeal. "This is huge," she said. Justice Minister Doug Graham announced yesterday that Governor-General Sir Michael Hardie Boys had referred Ellis' convictions for sexually abusing children to the Appeal Court for further consideration

1998-0327 - Government - Conviction referred back to Court Appeal
The Minister of Justice, Hon D.A.M. Graham, said today the Governor-General has accepted his advice that Peter Hugh McGregor Ellis's application for a free pardon be rejected. The Governor-General has also accepted the Minister's advice that Ellis's convictions for indecencies should be referred back to the Court of Appeal for further consideration. Mr Graham said that as the case would be referred back to the Court, he would be making no further comment on it

1998-0326 - The Press - Waitai rebukes police over Ellis inquiry
NZPA - Police have been given a sharp reprimand by a former superintendent. New Zealand First MP Rana Waitai, formerly Gisborne police superintendent, told police representatives at the justice and law reform select committee which he chairs that the committee had requested information on the Peter Ellis inquiry several months ago. The information relates to an inquiry into the conduct of Colin Eade, the officer in charge of the investigation that led to Christchurch man Ellis being sentenced to 10 years' prison on child molestation charges.

1998-0321 - Waikato Times - Ellis denied parole in sex offence case
NZPA - The mother of convicted child abuser Peter Ellis said she did not expect him to gain parole yesterday. Ellis last week turned down his first chance of freedom in four years and nine months by refusing to appear before the Parole Board. The board yesterday said that "on receipt of advice, it would be inappropriate for Ellis to appear before the board and, because of the nature of the offences, the case is adjourned for 12 months with leave to be brought on earlier if requested"

1998-0321 - The Press - Parole denied for Ellis
by Elinore Wellwood - Convicted child abuser Peter Ellis has been denied parole from prison. Last week, Ellis turned down his first chance of freedom in four years and nine months by refusing to appear before the parole board. The parole board told him yesterday his case had been adjourned for 12 months. …….Ellis asked not to attend his first parole hearing because he did not want freedom on the basis he was guilty of sexually abusing children at the Christchurch civic crèche.

1998-0321 - Otago Daily Times - No parole for Ellis
The mother of convicted child abuser Peter Ellis said she did not expect him to gain parole yesterday. Ellis last week turned down his first chance of freedom in four years and nine months by refusing to appear before the Parole Board. The board said yesterday that "on receipt of advice, it would be inappropriate for Ellis to appear before the board and, because of the nature of the offences, the case is adjourned for 12 months with leave to be brought on earlier if requested".

1998-0318 - The Dominion - Crèche detective gets reply in Parliament
The detective in charge of the Christchurch civic crèche case whose behaviour was raised in Parliament has been allowed comments in his defence written into the House's record. Last November, at a select committee and in the debating chamber, MPs expressed doubt about the conduct and outcome of the crèche investigation and in particular the propriety of the officer in charge of the case, Colin Eade, having had relationships with the mothers of two child complainants.

1998-0318 - The Dominion - Police revisit creche that Ellis worked in
New Oct 4 2008
Police have revisited the former Christchurch civic creche that convicted sex abuser Peter Ellis worked in. Ellis, who maintains his innocence, declined to appear last week before a parole board for his first chance at freedom in four years and nine months. He will hear this week if he will get parole. A senior police legal adviser visited Christchurch on behalf of the Police Complaints Authority. Chief Inspector John Crookston and Ellis supporter Winston Wealleans were among those who visited the former creche in a Cranmer Square building three weeks ago

1998-0318 - The Press - Detective 'quit over Ellis case'
by Elinore Wellwood - A key police officer involved in the Peter Ellis case says the stress of the case made him leave the force……The former officer in charge of the Ellis file, Colin Eade, yesterday had a written reply to Labour justice spokesman Phil Goff's questions to Parliament last November written into the parliamentary record.

1998-0317 - The Press - Police revisit former Chch civic crèche
by Elinore Wellwood - Police have revisited the former Christchurch civic creche where convicted sex abuser Peter Ellis worked…..A senior police legal adviser visited Christchurch on behalf of the Police Complaints Authority. The Press understands four people, including Chief Inspector John Crookston and Ellis supporter Winston Wealleans, visited the former Christchurch civic creche, in a Cranmer Square building, three weeks ago. Mr Wealleans said their visit was the first time police had shown any interest in the concerns of Ellis's supporters.

1998-0314 - Otago Daily Times - Decision expected on Ellis parole next week
Convicted sex abuser Peter Ellis will know next week if he will be released on parole after serving nearly half of a 10-year sentence

1998-0314 - Dominion - Ex-police boss backs parole stand by Ellis
by Karen Howard - Former police commander turned NZ First MP Rana Waitai voiced his support yesterday toward Peter Ellis's decision not to appear before the parole board. "Peter Ellis has demonstrated by his actions that he is a man of principles and integrity," Mr Waitai said. ……."I have no doubt that he is a victim of the sex abuse and ritual abuse hysteria of the early 90s."

1998-0314 - The Press - Peter Ellis is a brave man
Statement by
Christchurch University lecturer and Skeptics Society spokesman Denis Dutton - "Peter Ellis was the victim of a witch hunt. He is now given the same choice available to the accused in a medieval witchcraft trial: confess you're guilty or your punishment will be increased."

1998-0314 - The Press - Peter Ellis is a victim
Statement by
New Zealand First MP and former police commander Rana Waitai - I have no doubt that Peter Ellis is a victim of the sex-abuse and ritual-abuse hysteria of the early 90s.

1998-0314 - The Press - Release possible despite refusal
by Elinore Wellwood - Convicted child abuser Peter Ellis could be forced to leave jail even if he does not want to.

1998-0313 - Waikato Times - Ellis rejects parole chance
NZPA - Convicted child abuser Peter Ellis did not turn up at his parole board hearing for his first chance of freedom because his innocence meant too much to him, his mother said. Lesley Ellis said her son's innocence meant too much for him to accept freedom if it meant it was granted on the basis he was a guilty man.

1998-0313 - The Press - Ellis snubs parole board
by Elinore Wellwood -  Convicted child abuser Peter Ellis will not accept freedom from prison if it is granted on the basis that he is a guilty man. Yesterday he sent a letter to the parole board refusing to appear for his first chance of freedom from a jail cell in four years and nine months.

1998-0313 - Otago Daily Times - Innocence takes priority for Ellis
Convicted child abuser Peter Ellis did not turn up at his parole board hearing for his first chance of freedom yesterday because his innocence meant too much to him, his mother said last night

1998-0312 - Waikato Times - Convicted molester to seek parole
Convicted Christchurch child molester Peter Ellis is trying for an early release. He is due before a parole board today to seek release from Paparua Prison, having served nearly half his 10-year sentence.

1998-0312 - The Press - Ellis puts case for parole
Convicted Christchurch child molester Peter Ellis is making a bid for an early release. He is due to appear before a parole board today to seek release from Paparua Prison, having served nearly half of his 10-year sentence.

1998-0200 - North and South - A Plea for Peter Ellis
Editorial by David McLoughlin - At last, there is some traction with the Christchurch Civic Creche case, possibly the worst miscarriage of justice since Arthur Alan Thomas was wrongly convicted of the Crewe murders in 1971. Justice Minister Doug Graham is considering a petition from Judith Ablett-Kerr QC to pardon Peter Ellis, the creche worker jailed for 10 years in 1993 on multiple charges of abusing children. More, there is suddenly political interest in the plight of Ellis. MPs from several parties have publicly expressed concern that Ellis might have been wrongly convicted. The chairman of Parliament's justice and law reform committee, Rana Waitai, a former police district commander, has visited Ellis in Rolleston Prison and wants a judicial inquiry into the Civic affair.

1998-0130 - Usenet - Comment on Mothers Story
analysis of Joy Bander’s book, by James Oxnam

1998 - IPTJournal Vol 10 -
Satans Excellent Adventure In The Antipodes

Paper by Mike Hill, Victoria University, Wellington