The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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The Press
March 14, 1998.

Release possible despite refusal
by Elinore Wellwood

Convicted child abuser Peter Ellis could be forced to leave jail even if he does not want to.

On Thursday Ellis turned down the chance to appear at his first parole board hearing after four years and nine months in jail.

The parole board hearing to consider releasing him went ahead without him. The decision will be released next week.

His mother, Lesley, said yesterday that she was upset he could be forced to leave.

"I thought yesterday after finding out he wasn't going to appear we could just settle down and wait for the petition. But I feel just as bad as before, now.

However, she said she understood it was rare for anyone to be released after their first parole hearing.

A petition to overturn Ellis's convictions is before Governor-General Sir Michael Hardie Boys. Ellis was jailed for 10 years on charges of sexually abusing children at the Christchurch civic creche.

He turned down his first chance of freedom because he did not want to get out of jail on the basis he was a guilty man.

Corrections Department spokesman Tony Wallace said yesterday that if the parole board decided Ellis was to be released he would be made to leave prison. He said no-one had ever refused to leave prison. It was rare for people to refuse to appear before the parole board, he said.

Those who were released on parole had to abide by conditions such as attending counselling, living in a certain area, and not contacting victims.

Parole depended on factors such as behaviour in prison, the likelihood of reoffending, and counselling undertaken.

Canterbury University Sociology lecturer Greg Newbold said it was unlikely Ellis would be released because the parole board could not stand the embarrassment of having him break parole conditions. They would have to immediately recall him.

He thought the board would probably wait until the Governor-General made a decision on the petition.