The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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The Press
March 21 1998

Parole denied for Ellis
by Elinore Wellwood

Convicted child abuser Peter Ellis has been denied parole from prison.

Last week, Ellis turned down his first chance of freedom in four years and nine months by refusing to appear before the parole board.

The parole board told him yesterday his case had been adjourned for 12 months.

He could appeal if he chose.

Prisoners released on parole have to abide by conditions such as living in certain areas, attending counselling, and not contacting victims.

Ellis asked not to attend his first parole hearing because he did not want freedom on the basis he was guilty of sexually abus- ing children at the Christchurch civic creche.

Ellis's mother, Lesley, said yesterday that Ellis rang her as soon as he had heard the results.

She said it had been hard waiting, but she had not expected him to be released on parole.

``The important thing now is the petition,'' she said.

A petition to overturn Ellis's convictions is before the Governor-General, Sir Michael Hardie Boys.

Ellis's lawyer, Judith Ablett-Kerr, said the parole board's decision placed the issue firmly back where it belonged -- with Justice Minister Doug Graham and Sir Michael.