The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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Waikato Times
March 30 1998

Glimmer of freedom for Ellis on his 40th birthday

Convicted child abuser Peter Ellis will spend his 40th birthday today celebrating a legal milestone and the glimmer of freedom.

On Friday Ellis was told his convictions had been referred back to the Court of Appeal by Governor-General Sir Michael Hardie Boys.

The appeal may be heard within three months.

Six years ago Ellis was arrested and charged with 25 counts of sexually abusing children under his care at the Christchurch Civic Creche. He was eventually convicted of 13 charges and jailed for 10 years.

So far, he has served almost five years.

His mother Lesley Ellis said although she could not visit her son in Christchurch's Paparua Prison today, his 40th birthday would be a much happier event than his 34th.

Mrs Ellis said last night a decision could be made today on whether an application for bail would be made pending the appeal.

"The appeal itself could be as far away as October. There's a tremendous amount of paperwork to get through."

She said her son's lawyer, Judith Ablett-Kerr, clearly wanted to make a good job of the appeal.

Ellis has maintained his innocence throughout. -