The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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The Press
April 28 1998

Ellis denied special release

Convicted child abuser Peter Ellis has been declined a special release from jail by Justice Minister Doug Graham.

Lawyer Judith Ablett-Kerr, QC, said yesterday her special request for Mr Graham to use his discretion to free Ellis had failed.

A further application for bail would be considered when the Court of Appeal formally received the matter, she said.

A spokesman for Mrs Ablett-Kerr said Mr Graham had said the matter should be with the Court of Appeal shortly.

Mrs Ablett-Kerr had made the request because of the time it would take to apply for bail because of legal procedures.

``Peter Ellis is disappointed but not surprised, given it has taken him six years to get this far. He is quite desperate to know when the struggle will end,'' she said.

Ellis is in the sixth year of a 10-year sentence on 13 counts of sexually abusing children at the Christchurch Civic Creche. He has maintained his innocence throughout.