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Otago Daily Times
May 15 1998

Belief and beyond it

I have come to the reluctant conclusion that two and a half percent of New Zealanders are stark staring mad.

Two and a half percent of New Zealanders believe in Santa Claus.

Two and a half percent believe lawyers perform a useful function in society.

Two and a half percent believe we don't have enough politicians.

Two and a half percent believe the earth is flat.

Two and a half percent think Hitler was misunderstood.

Two and a half percent believe the sun revolves around the earth.

Two and a half percent think Elvis is alive and well and living in Eketahuna.

Two and a half percent believe everything those kids said Peter Ellis did to them.

Two and a half percent think their next door neighbour is an alien.

Two and a half percent have an unhealthy interest in the sexuality of young children.

Two and a half percent think our courts are too hard on criminals.

Two and a half percent believe Paul Holmes is a serious journalist.

Two and a half percent think Alamein Kopu is smarter than the average turnip.

Two and a half percent believe Tuku Morgan has done his penance and deserves promotion.

Two and a half percent want higher taxes.

Two and a half percent trust used car salesmen.

Two and a half percent think Jenny Shipley should be on a Bendon billboard.

Two and a half percent think petrol prices will continue to come down.

Two and a half percent think Treaty of Waitangi settlements will be full and final.

Two and a half percent think Gary McCormick is funny.

Two and a half percent want more of Marc and Matthew out of their TV licence fee.

Two and a half percent believe AIDS is God's punishment for homosexuals.

Two and a half percent believe the Black Caps will soon win two games in a row.

Two and a half percent believe women are just as good as men.

And two and a half percent voted for New Zealand First in the by-election.