The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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The Press
May 22 1998

Complaint over Ellis article not upheld - Press Council

The parents of a child who was a victim in a child sex abuse case involving Peter Ellis have complained to the Press Council against an opinion article published by The Press.

The article was by a named freelance journalist whose central thesis was that Peter Ellis might have been wrongly convicted, and that an injustice might thereby have been perpetrated.

The council does not uphold the complaint.

The case brought by the Crown against Ellis was that he sexually abused children attending the Christchurch Civic Childcare Centre between 1986 and 1989 while he was employed there as a carer. The complainants' child attended the centre and was one of a number of child witnesses called by the Crown as part of its case against Ellis.

The case was heard before a judge and jury in the High Court in Christchurch in 1993. Throughout the trial, and at all times since, Ellis has maintained his innocence.

Before and during the trial some of the charges contained in the indictment were dismissed by the trial judge, but the jury found the defendant guilty on 16 counts involving seven children.

There was a guilty verdict on the count involving the child of the complainants, as well as for other children. Ellis was sentenced to 10 years prison.

He appealed against the verdicts and in 1994 the Court of Appeal dismissed three counts, on special grounds concerning one child witness who retracted her evidence, but dismissed all other appeals.

Ellis has continued to maintain his innocence and instructed counsel to take a petition to the Governor-General seeking a pardon. The petition has been referred to the Court of Appeal and a hearing is awaited. It is fair to say that since the convictions the issue of the guilt, or innocence, of Ellis has been prominently canvassed in the public arena.

The Press Council said that not surprisingly the case had attracted attention in Christchurch.

On November 26, 1997, The Press on its front page under the headline ``Abuse cases `tip of the iceberg' '' printed a bylined news article dealing generally with child abuse (including sexual abuse) of children, quoting from a statement of the then-Commissioner for Children, Laurie O'Reilly, that child abuse rates could be 10 times higher than official statistics.

At the foot of the article there was a reference to another part of that edition of the paper to an article under the caption ``Opinion'', enigmatically headlined ``Pity the abuses and those abused'', written by freelance journalist John Goulter, in which he strongly doubted the guilt of Peter Ellis. This is the article about which the complaint has been laid.

The council said the letters of the complainants, first written to the paper's editor and then to the Press Council, were lengthy, well-constructed, and gave closely reasoned arguments that the opinion article should not have been printed by the newspaper so as to give currency to the proposition that Ellis was innocent.

The position of the parents is that if Ellis were innocent, their child supplied evidence that should not have been accepted by the jury as a basis for finding guilt, raising at least the possibility the children's evidence was the result of ``schooling'' by parents.

Read as a whole, the opinion article was inferentially critical of the parents of the children who gave evidence in the Ellis case, and that is the way the complainants read it. The case of the complainants is that the foregoing are the inescapable implications, even if they are not spelled out in the challenged article.

A particular of the complaint is that the newspaper had linked two disparate views on abuse of children. The front-page news article ``Tip of the iceberg'' without qualification recognised that child abuse was a social problem deserving of attention. However, in the same edition the opinion article ``Pity the abuses etc'' basically challenged the correctness of the court decisions in the Ellis case simply by assertion, unsupported by reasoned argument or evidence.

The complainants described this as a ``pernicious tactic'' stating ``the editor cannot have it both ways''. This important argument to the complainants makes their point to the editor's over-all handling of the two articles, but at the same time also significantly demonstrates the extreme complexity of the socio/legal problem of sexual child abuse.

The foregoing also reveals the refinement of the arguments of the complainants, which were matched by the answers of the editor, and the journalist, who also responded to the complaint.

The Press Council's decision is primarily based upon a fair reading of the opinion article itself, and not on subsequent interpretations or constructions of the meaning of the article that have arisen in disposing of this complaint.

No useful purpose is served in this adjudication by canvassing all points made by either side during the exchanges over this complaint.

The complainants requested the editor to publish, under an assumed name, an article putting the contrary view to the opinion expressed by Mr Goulter. The editor was prepared to publish the article, as submitted, but final agreement was not reached on the context in which it would appear.

The response of the editor to the parent complainants, and to the Press Council, lacked nothing in sympathy for the parents' viewpoint, which he clearly understood, but nevertheless he held steadfastly to his position that the article represented responsible journalism on an issue within the public area, and about which there were differing viewpoints as to Ellis's guilt.

The editor maintained it was a seriously written article by a journalist honestly expressing his opinion on a matter of public interest, which the newspaper published, adequately indicating by prominent use of the word ``opinion'' that the views expressed in the article were those of the writer and not of the editor or the newspaper.

In a few words, the defence of the editor for the article and its over-all treatment in the edition was one of fair comment and freedom of expression.

The Press Council expresses no opinion whatsoever on the substance of the debate concerning Ellis's guilt or innocence. The obligation of the council is to determine whether, as an ethical issue, the newspaper was correct in publishing the opinion expressed in the article by the writer.

Whilst appreciating the complainants' viewpoint entirely, the council has refused to uphold a complaint that might inhibit freedom of expression. That is certainly not the way the complainants phrase their objections, but nevertheless that is what they amount to in the end.

The complainants seem to be saying that on ethical grounds the newspaper should not have allowed, in the way The Press did in this edition of the paper, currency to an assertive opinion that challenges the criminal justice system which resulted in guilty verdicts for an accused. For the reasons given that is not the view of the Press Council.