The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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Waikato Times
June 5 1998

Ellis hearing kept secret

A hearing was conducted behind closed doors at the Appeal Court in Wellington for convicted child abuser Peter Hugh McGregor Ellis.

Ellis' lawyer, Dunedin Queen's Counsel Judith Ablett-Kerr, refused comment at the conclusion of yesterday's three-hour hearing.

"What happened, happened in chambers. That's all I can say."

However, Mrs Ablett-Kerr was understood to have discussed Ellis' bail application for a second Appeal Court hearing. She said afterwards she would be seeing Ellis today.

Ellis, 40, is in the sixth year of a 10-year sentence on 13 counts of sexually abusing children under his care at the Christchurch Civic Creche. He has maintained his innocence throughout.

In 1994 the Court of Appeal dismissed his first appeal.

In March, Governor-General Sir Michael Hardie Boys, a former Court of Appeal judge, refused to release Ellis on a "free pardon", but referred his case back to the Appeal Court. That hearing is expected in late September.

Ellis had petitioned Sir Michael after allegations were made about the conduct of the police investigation into the case.

Ellis applied to be released from prison on bail pending the hearing of his appeal and that issue was believed to have been discussed at yesterday's conference.

In March, Ellis also refused to appear at a Parole Board hearing that would have considered his release on parole.



LEAVING COURT: Peter Ellis' lawyer, Dunedin Queen's Counsel Judith Ablett-Kerr, refused to comment on the hearing. PICTURE: The Dominion