The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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Otago Daily Times
June 6 1998

Ellis bail ruled on but not announced

Christchurch: A decision has been made about whether convicted child abuser Peter Ellis will get out of jail on bail - but it will remain secret until at least Monday.

Ellis' mother, Lesley, yesterday said she knew nothing about the result of Thursday's bail application, heard at a hearing closed to the public.

Lawyer Judith Ablett-Kerr had applied to Appeal Court judges in Wellington for bail for Ellis, ahead of his reappearance in the Appeal Court later this year.

Mrs Ablett-Kerr refused to comment yesterday on any aspect of the bail application before a decision was released.

Ellis is in his sixth year of a 10-year jail sentence after being convicted on 13 charges of child abuse at the Christchurch Civic Creche.