The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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The Press
June 6 1998

Ellis bail ruling remains secret

A decision has been made about whether convicted child abuser Peter Ellis will get out of jail on bail -- but it will be kept secret until at least Monday.

Ellis's mother, Lesley, said yesterday she knew nothing about the result of a bail application on Thursday.

Lawyer Judith Ablett-Kerr, QC, applied to Appeal Court judges for bail for Ellis, ahead of his reappearance in the Appeal Court later this year.

The hearing was held in chambers, closed to the public.

Mrs Ablett-Kerr refused to comment yesterday on any aspect of the bail application before a decision was released.

Ellis is in his sixth year of a 10-year jail sentence after being convicted on 13 charges of child abuse at the Christchurch Civic Creche.

He turned down a chance to appear in front of the parole board in March, because he said he did not want to be released on parole on the premise he was guilty.