The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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Waikato Times
June 8 1998

Ellis' mother resigned

The mother of convicted child abuser Peter Ellis is philosophical about her son's chances of being granted bail today.

Ellis, 40, who is in the sixth year of a 10-year sentence on 13 counts of sexually abusing children under his care at the Christchurch Civic Creche, has maintained his innocence throughout.

In March, Governor-General Sir Michael Hardie Boys, a former Court of Appeal judge, refused to free Ellis on a "free pardon" but referred his case back to the Court of Appeal later this year.

A decision on Ellis' application to be freed on bail pending the hearing is expected today.

His mother, Lesley Ellis, said she had had no indication of the result of the application but was not holding her breath for good news.

"It's too difficult -- the letdown's worse. We are just expecting the usual and if something different happens, well that's going to be a plus.

"You don't know what to think, what to expect, what they'll say or anything else. There have been so many surprises over the years . . . "

She said her son, during her regular Saturday visit at the weekend, was in good health but he too was not getting his hopes up.

"He said, `You'll be visiting as usual next Saturday'."