The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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Waikato Times
June 10 1998

Bail bid refusal kills final hope held by Ellis

Peter Ellis held only a 5 per cent hope he would be released from jail on bail.

Even that was dashed yesterday when he heard his bail application was refused, his mother Lesley Ellis said.

"He's angry," she said.

"He feels they're just pushing us around. We feel like the minor players in this. The whole thing has got so much bigger than just us."

Ellis was sentenced in 1993 to 10 years' jail after being found guilty of sexually abusing children at the Christchurch Civic Creche between 1986 and 1992.

Mrs Ellis spoke to her son after they heard his bail bid had been refused. She was depressed about the refusal.

"We didn't actually think anything would happen. Peter held about a 5 per cent hope something would happen, same as me. But when that goes, you just feel down."

Hope rose when the decision, applied for last Thursday, took several days coming through, she said.

The next few months waiting for an Appeal Court appearance to go ahead would be more of the same thing she had gone through for the past five years, Mrs Ellis said.

"Peter feels very strongly about the creche and the children, and the fact they will have to live with what they believe happened."

She said he felt sorry they too would be left hanging, waiting for the next court appearance.

The mother of a child abused at the creche said the decision to refuse bail was the right one.

"It proves that a trial by media will not pervert justice."

It was hard for parents and children involved in the case, she said.

"It just keeps bringing it back for the children. They need to be free of it being brought back all the time. There are many victims here."

She was also concerned about a backlash against children who alleged abuse.

"People need to believe their children. No one wants to go through this."


CAPTION: PETER ELLIS: refused bail.