The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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Otago Daily Times
November 17 1998

Petition to free and pardon Ellis sent to Hardie Boys

Christchurch: A petition to free and pardon convicted paedophile Peter Ellis has been sent to the Governor-General, Sir Michael Hardie Boys, his lawyer says.

Judith Ablett-Kerr, QC, said the petition produced new information for Sir Michael to consider, some of which was highly sensitive.

The petition - the second seeking to free Ellis - also asked for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the entire Christchurch Civic Creche investigation and set the grounds for setting up such a commission, Mrs Ablett-Kerr said.

Ellis is in his seventh year of a 10-year sentence for offences carried out at Christchurch's Civic Creche.

A spokesman for Ellis' supporters, Winston Wealleans of Christchurch, said he expected Sir Michael would refer the matter to Justice Minister Doug Graham.

He warned that if the Government did not treat the issue seriously the information may be made public.