The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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The Press
November 17 1998

New bid to free Ellis

A petition to free and pardon convicted pedophile Peter Ellis has been sent to Governor-General Sir Michael Hardie Boys, Ellis's lawyer says.

Judith Ablett-Kerr, QC, said the petition produced new information for Sir Michael to consider, some of which was highly sensitive.

The petition -- the second seeking to free Ellis -- also asked for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the entire Christchurch Civic Creche investigation and set the grounds for setting up such a commission, Mrs Ablett-Kerr said.

Ellis is in his seventh year of a 10-year sentence after being convicted of offences at the creche.

A spokesman for Ellis's supporters, Winston Wealleans, of Christchurch, said he expected Sir Michael would refer the matter to Justice Minister Doug Graham.