The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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Radio New Zealand
December 17 1998

Court of Appeal Reserves Peter Ellis Bail Request

The Court of Appeal has reserved its decision on a second bail application by convicted Christchurch child sex abuser Peter Ellis.

Ellis is well into a ten-year jail sentence imposed in 1993 for sexually abusing children at the Christchurch Civic Creche.

He is also waiting for a rare, second appeal hearing which was granted after his case was referred to the Governor-General.

Today the Court decided that appeal will be heard by five Judges, beginning at the end of May next year.

Ellis's lawyer Judith Ablett-Kerr told the Court a combination of factors make it an extraordinary case, and there are indications his appeal claiming a miscarriage of justice has some merit.

But the Crown says nothing significant has changed since his first bail request