The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

1999 Jan-June

Sunday Star Times
February 14 1999

Ellis debacle
Letter to the Editor
by Neil McKenzie, Tauranga

I wonder how many saw Oliver Stone's film Indictment -- the McMartin Trial on TV2 recently. It was a fact-based drama of a family victimised by a modern-day witch hunt ignited and fuelled by public belief in ritual satanic abuse.

After spending up to seven years in prison without bail, not one of the McMartin family was convicted.

Fortunately, ritual satanic abuse belief has all but died out except in a few countries such as Canada. Or has it? Our own shameful depravity -- the Peter Ellis debacle -- all but swept under the carpet, still festers on to the last guilt of every one of us.

Parallels with the McMartin case can be drawn, such as the leading role of the media, the credibility and conduct of the investigators, the absence of corroborating physical evidence, and the jury's blind belief in stories by children after hours of suggestive interrogation by dubiously qualified counsellors using medically discredited methods.

The disgraceful difference is that in our country, the accused was convicted and incarcerated. This will one day stand alongside the Thomas case as one of our most heinous miscarriages of justice. And then we will ask ourselves how we could have allowed it to happen.