The Christchurch Civic Crèche Case

News Reports Index

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This page last updated January 29 2006

1999-0619 - Evening Post - Ellis tape to get judicial review
A tape and transcript of an interview between the author of a book on convicted Christchurch childcare worker Peter Ellis and a juror from the case had to be surrendered to the Crown by yesterday. The Court of Appeal issued the order on Thursday and ordered the tape and transcript to be reviewed by former High Court judge Sir Thomas Thorpe

1999-0521 - Waikato Times - Ellis appeal delayed
The Appeal Court hearing for convicted paedophile Peter Ellis, originally set down for May 31, will now be held in the week starting July 5

1999-0521 - The Press - Ellis appeal set down for July hearing
NZPA - There was a need for evidence and submissions to be prepared, "making it necessary for the hearing previously fixed for May 31 to be vacated", he said. Ellis's lawyer, Judith Ablett-Kerr, QC, is understood to have opposed the delay

1999-0521 - Otago Daily Times - Ellis appeal in July
The Court of Appeal hearing for convicted paedophile Peter Ellis will be held in the week beginning July 5.

1999-0521 - Evening Post - Ellis appeal now in July
In a statement released yesterday, a court spokesman said the appeal would now be heard on July 5. Counsel for Ellis and the Crown discussed the new timetable at a private hearing at the court on Monday.

1999-0521 - Dominion - Ellis appeal moved to July hearing
The Court of Appeal hearing for convicted paedophile Peter Ellis will be held during the week beginning July 5. It was originally set down for May 31 in Wellington. Announcing the new date last night, the court's registrar said it was to accommodate the widened scope of the appeal allowed by Governor-General Sir Michael Hardie Boys

1999-0520 - Evening Post - Peter Ellis a victim of nasty moral hysteria
by Frank MacSkasy - It must be clear to the most casual observer by now that the case against Christchurch childcare worker Peter Ellis has completely collapsed. Charges that he molested children while employed at the Civic Crèche simply do not withstand scrutiny. It is therefore difficult to comprehend why the Governor-General has not proceeded with issuing a free pardon for Ellis.

1999-0519 - The Press - Ellis 'distraught' at possible court delay
NZPA - Convicted pedophile Peter Ellis was reportedly distraught after news that the Court of Appeal had met in chambers to consider a postponement to his appeal hearing

1999-0519 - Dominion - Talk of delay worries Ellis
Ellis's mother, Lesley, said he was "keyed up and quite upset" at what he believed would probably result in a delayed appeal hearing

1999-0519 - Otago Daily Times - Ellis appeal move
Convicted paedophile Peter Ellis was reportedly distraught yesterday after news the Court of Appeal had met in chambers to consider a postponement to his appeal hearing

1999-0519 - Gazette - Notice
Reference To The Court Of Appeal Of The Question Of The Convictions Of Peter Hugh McGregor Ellis For Sexual Offences Against Children (No 2).
This Order in Council:

1999-0518 - NZPA - Delay possible in Ellis appeal
Peter Ellis was reportedly distraught today after news that the Court of Appeal had met in chambers to consider a postponement to his appeal hearing

1999-0517 - Dominion - Widened scope for Ellis appeal
by Alan Samson - The possibility of contaminated evidence from children, non- disclosure by the Crown of evidence, and jury bias are among the grounds given for the widened scope allowed for the appeal granted to convicted paedophile Peter Ellis. The New Zealand Gazette has published details of last week's ruling by Governor-General Sir Michael Hardie Boys, widening the terms under which Ellis's case to the Court of Appeal this month can be heard.

1999-0514 - Truth - Gutless lot let Ellis sink
Editorial - Ellis has been pilloried and imprisoned on the most questionable of evidence. Society wanted, even demanded, a scapegoat--AND Ellis was it. He copped 10 years' imprisonment on conviction of 16 trumped-up charges of molesting children. But more and more people--including this newspaper--are of the opinion Ellis has been the fall guy --but FEW have had the guts to say so

1999-0514 – Southland Times - Scope allowed in Ellis' appeal
Editorial - A considerable number of people will be pleased at the ruling the Governor-General Sir Michael Hardie Boys has arrived at in the case of the convicted child molester Peter Ellis. Ellis has not been granted the pardon he sought. Instead Sir Michael has agreed to a suggestion to widen the grounds of appeal of his case to the Court of Appeal

1999-0514 - Southland Times - Peter Ellis
by Frank Macskasy - It is disappointing that Peter Ellis has not been given a pardon that he obviously deserves. It is blatantly clear to even the most casual observer that Peter Ellis should never have been convicted for the non-existent child-abuse cases at the Christchurch Civic Crèche

1999-0512 - Waikato Times - Ellis' appeal terms widened
Justice Minister Tony Ryall said yesterday that Governor-General Sir Michael Hardie Boys would not consider Ellis' petition for a free pardon but had agreed to widen the terms on which his case could be referred to the Court of Appeal

1999-0512 - The Press - Pardon petition brings Ellis partial win
Convicted child molester Peter Ellis has had a partial win with his petition to the Governor-General, although his request for a pardon has been turned down for a second time.

1999-0512 - Otago Daily Times - Partial victory for Peter Ellis
Convicted child molester Peter Ellis has won a partial victory with his petition to the Governor-General, although his request for a pardon has gone unanswered

1999-0512 - Dominion - Pardon for Ellis not ruled out
Convicted paedophile Peter Ellis, whose plea for a free pardon was turned down by Governor-General Sir Michael Hardie Boys yesterday, could still be pardoned, the office of Justice Minister Tony Ryall said.

1999-0512 - Court of Appeal - Reference
Reference to the Court of Appeal or the Question of the Convictions or Peter Hugh McGregor Ellis for Sexual Offences Against Children (No.2)

1999-0511 - Waikato Times - Ellis pardon rejected, appeal terms widened
NZPA - Convicted paedophile Peter Ellis has had his plea for a free pardon turned down by Governor-General Sir Michael Hardie Boys. But Ellis supporters are celebrating news that Sir Michael had agreed to a second request, to widen the terms under which his case to the Court of Appeal can be heard.

1999-0511 - Evening Post - Gov-Gen rejects Ellis pardon plea
NZPA - Convicted paedophile Peter Ellis has had his plea for a free pardon turned down by Governor-General Sir Michael Hardie Boys. But Sir Michael had agreed to a second request, to widen the terms under which his case to the Court of Appeal can be heard, Justice Minister Tony Ryall said today.

1999-0511 - Evening Post - Ellis' free pardon plea rejected
Ellis petitioned the Governor-General for a second time in November last year for the exercise of the royal prerogative of mercy. His first petition, in December 1997, resulted in the case being referred back to the Court of Appeal. The appeal is due to be heard later this month. The second petition sought a free pardon for Ellis, or alternatively for his case to be considered by the Court of Appeal on broader grounds than previously referred

1999-0511 - Government - Governor General widens terms for appeal
The Governor-General has widened the terms on which Peter Ellis's case has been referred to the Court of Appeal", Justice Minister, Tony Ryall, said today.

1999-0509 - Sunday Star Times - Finding strength in a family crisis
by Peter Hawes - This horror story has never been officially addressed and has been left to fade slowly, like the grin of the Cheshire cat. As have, of course, the stories of Tamihere's equally famous co-villain Peter Ellis, in which, if I remember, Ellis transported 2000 naked boys to a UFO parked behind comet Globbit-Spry where he poured tadpole jelly into their belly buttons while singing Bad to the Devil on ET's cellphone

1999-05 - Cosa Newsletter - Update on Peter Ellis
News report, by Felicity Goodyear-Smith - Peter Ellis has been much in the news in the past few months. Alan Samson from the Dominion wrote a story summarising Prof Mike Hill’s paper ‘Satan’s Excellent Adventure in the Antipodes’ (see COSA Newsletter Oct 1998). The NZ Listener (New evidence in the fight to clear Peter Ellis, 9 Mar 99, by Bruce Ansley, Vol. 168. No 3073, Pages 18 – 23) ran a review story of the Crèche case

1999-0430 - Waikato Times - Ellis' backers angered by tape report
NZPA - The owner of a tape alleged to contain a disclosure by a juror at the Peter Ellis trial, that the juror was sexually aroused by the evidence, should be forced to hand over her evidence, Ellis supporters say

1999-0430 - The Press - Ellis lawyer wants juror tape studied
By Martin Van Beynen - The lawyer for Peter Ellis wants the Ministry of Justice to obtain an audiotape that allegedly throws further doubt on the jury in Ellis's trial. Judith Ablett-Kerr, QC, is pressing Ministry of Justice legal counsel, who are examining the Ellis case, to use various means to obtain the tape

1999-0430 - Dominion - Author should hand over tape, say Ellis supporters
by Helen Bain - The owner of a tape alleged to contain a disclosure by a jury member at the Peter Ellis trial, that he was sexually aroused by the evidence, should be forced to hand over her evidence, Ellis supporters said yesterday. The tape reportedly also contains an admission that the man had professional links with the expert psychiatrist called by the prosecution at the child abuse trial

1999-0429 - Waikato Times - Questions raised over Ellis trial juror
NZPA - A member of the jury that convicted Christchurch childcare worker Peter Ellis is claimed to have said he was sexually aroused by evidence at the trial, and had professional links with the expert psychiatrist called by the prosecution, the Justice Ministry has been told. The alleged disclosure by the juror in an interview with an author might not be investigated at appeal because crucial evidence was not being made available

1999-0429 - Evening Post - Contempt risk over Ellis juror claims
by Megan Lane - Author Lynley Hood could be in contempt of court for interviewing a member of the jury that convicted Christchurch childcare worker Peter Ellis. It was reported today that in an interview with Ms Hood one of the jurors allegedly claimed he was sexually aroused by evidence in the 1993 trial and had professional links with the expert psychiatrist called by the prosecution

1999-0429 – Dominion - Leaked letter raises questions on Ellis trial juror
by Alan Samson  - A member of the jury that convicted Christchurch childcare worker Peter Ellis is claimed to have said he was sexually aroused by evidence at the trial, and had professional links with the expert psychiatrist called by the prosecution, the Ministry of Justice has been told.

1999-0403 - Dominion - Parole Board did not free Potter
The spokesman said it was silly of Mr Henare to compare Potter's freeing with the denial of parole for convicted child molester Peter Ellis. Ellis will not have served two- thirds of his jail sentence till February

1999-0403 - DailyNews - Potter release rankles against Ellis denial
Editorial - He, like many others, is angry that the parole authorities would release a boastfully unredeemed paedophile like Potter, yet refuse to release the equally eligible Peter Ellis

1999-0403 - Listener - One Mothers Son
"One Mother's Son - New Evidence in the fight to clear Peter Ellis" by Bruce Ansley - Convicted child abuser Peter Ellis has missed out on parole for the second time. But in May his case goes back to the Court of Appeal, where new information will be presented, casting further doubt on an already dubious verdict. ......In Christchurch, [the case] remains one of those defining issues. You are either for Peter Ellis or against him, and the rifts are bitter and enduring. One of the lawyers who defended Ellis told friends he was 95 percent convinced that Ellis was innocent, but 100 percent convinced he should not be in jail.

1999-0401 - NZ Herald - Potter case brings law change call
Mauri Pacific MP Tau Henare yesterday attacked the Parole Board for double standards by allowing Potter back to Centrepoint but refusing parole to Christchurch crèche convicted abuser Peter Ellis because he had not acknowledged or addressed his offending.

1999-0401 - Evening Post - Jail Potter indefinitely - Henare
NZPA - "Earlier this month, the same parole board refused (convicted sex abuser) Peter Ellis parole saying: `As the offender has not acknowledged or addressed his offending, the board . . . has no option but to decline parole'.

1999-0401 - Dominion - Potter should be jailed indefinitely, says Henare
NZPA - The parole board has released a monster, while incarcerating a man whose innocence is a matter of conjecture. "Peter Ellis has never said it is okay to have sex with children, in fact he would be appalled by the sentiments of Bert Potter. "There's a clear double standard

1999-0330 - Waikato Times - Mum sends Ellis a card on prison birthday No 5
The mother of convicted child sex offender Peter Ellis had one wish when her son turned 41 today -- that he celebrates his next birthday a free man. Lesley Ellis said it was the fifth birthday in jail in Christchurch for her son

1999-0330 - Dominion - 'I am not a guilty man'
by Alan Samson - The spotlight is back on Peter Ellis, as High Court Justice Sir Thomas Thorpe begins investigating a petition on his behalf. Meanwhile, a paper on the background of satanic abuse, by Victoria University sociology Professor Michael Hill, has been posted on the Internet. Alan Samson considers the study

1999-0330 - Dominion - Tracing the evolution of a satanic scare
by Alan Samson -
The spotlight is back on Peter Ellis, as High Court Justice Sir Thomas Thorpe begins investigating a petition on his behalf. Meanwhile, a paper on the background of satanic abuse, by Victoria University sociology Professor Michael Hill, has been posted on the Internet.

1999-0328 - Sunday Star Times - Trial a circus
by Andrea Morris - To assume a man is innocent until proven guilty as B Taylor suggests (March 21) is rather naive. The mass hysteria provoked in society and the media when the word paedophilia is uttered ensures the noose has been knotted long before the jury delivers its verdict

1999-0328 - Sunday Star Times - Or a farce
by Robert Perry - The letter from Sarah Smuts-Kennedy (March 21), misinterpreting Frank Haden's column about Peter Ellis as an assertion that children who claim to have been sexually abused should be disbelieved, counters by saying children will continue to be sexually abused "until society starts believing" them

1999-0328 - Sunday Star Times - Ellis innocent
by Lew Daltry - I doubt if anyone wants to make a hero of Peter Ellis but there is a mass of evidence, not presented at the trial and excluded at the appeal, which makes him not guilty.

1999-0326 - Truth - Jail `backs Bain'
by Rachel Wike - Peter Ellis also has a petition before the Governor General and David Dougherty got off on one last year. These are all very different cases but have one common thread, says Karam--police bungling. "They can never see they made a mistake. They fight to the bitter end--just look at the Arthur Allen Thomas case."

1999-0326 - Otago Daily Times - Forced freedom for Ellis
Convicted child abuser Peter Ellis might be forced into accepting freedom with parole conditions attached, Victoria University law professor Warren Young said yesterday.

1999-0326 - Dominion - Ellis may be forced to accept parole
Convicted child abuser Peter Ellis might be forced into accepting freedom with parole conditions attached, Victoria University law professor Warren Young said yesterday.

1999-0321 – Sunday Star Times – Fairy tales
by Sarah Smuts-Kennedy - I am tired of statements that "children make up astonishing fairy tales about things that obviously could never occur" and are "thoroughly indoctrinated by other social workers" (March 7). …….Haden's bold statements about Ellis's innocence are, in turn, creating "fairy tales".

1999-0321 - Sunday Star Times - Ellis guilty
by B Taylor - This man has been through the due process of the law and was found guilty. Until the same due process has found him innocent he remains guilty. Let us not make Peter Ellis into a hero or a martyr until solid facts indicate this is so.

1999-0318 - Waikato Times - Ellis denied parole
NZPA - In its decision released yesterday, the board said Ellis' continued stance meant it had to decline parole. Ellis' counsel, Judith Ablett Kerr, QC, later said Ellis had read the board's "entirely predictable" decision

1999-0318 - Otago Daily Times - Ellis denied parole for innocence claim
Convicted child sex offender Peter Ellis has been denied parole for the second time. Ellis (40) continued to maintain his innocence when he appeared before a parole board at Paparua Prison, near Christchurch, last Thursday

1999-0318 - The Press - Innocence stance costs Ellis parole
by John Henzell - Convicted sex offender Peter Ellis's continued insistence on his innocence has cost him his latest chance of parole

1999-0318 - Dominion - Ellis loses out in parole bid
by Joanna Norris - Convicted Christchurch civic crèche child abuser Peter Ellis has been denied parole for the second time.

1999-0314 - Sunday Star Times - Mum scents victory for Ellis
by Kim Newth - A self-portrait of Peter Ellis shedding tears behind prison bars has pride of place in his mother's tiny Christchurch flat. For Lesley Ellis, it's been a long six years since her son was sentenced to 10 years' jail in 1993, after being found guilty of abusing children at the Christchurch Civic Crèche. But she's starting to feel more positive his name will be cleared

1999-0314 - Sunday Star Times - Ellis analogy
by S R Nicholson - By any sane consideration of the Ellis case there was absolutely no credible evidence against him. Obviously the man is innocent. His conviction is another disgraceful stain on our sloppy legal and justice systems

1999-0312 - Waikato Times - Ellis silent at parole hearing
NZPA - Convicted paedophile Peter Ellis appeared before the parole board yesterday, but did not speak. Lesley Ellis said her son, 40, serving a 10-year sentence for abusing children at Christchurch's Civic Childcare Centre, explained his reasons for declining parole in writing.

1999-0312 - Evening Post - Ellis declares his innocence
NZPA - Ellis' lawyer, Judith Ablett-Kerr, answered questions for him during the 30-minute hearing. Afterwards, she released details of Ellis' written statement. "I cannot accept any parole that you could offer me because the board could only release me as a guilty man," he said. "I'm not a guilty man, I am an innocent man."

1999-0312 - Dominion - I am not a guilty man, Ellis tells Parole Board hearing
by Oskar Alley - Convicted child molester Peter Ellis fronted up to his parole hearing yesterday but staunchly maintained his innocence and refused to accept parole, which he said would imply he was guilty.

1999-0312 - Herald - Ellis Adamant
Convicted Christchurch sex offender Peter Ellis appeared before a parole board at Paparua Prison last night, but only to declare his innocence because accepting parole could be seen as an admission of guilt.

1999-0312 - The Press - Ellis Pleads Innocence To Board
by Victoria Clausen -
Convicted sex offender Peter Ellis has declared his innocence before a parole board

1999-0311 - Dominion - Putting it on the record
by Matthew Brockett - In March last year Christchurch policeman Colin Eade responded to comments Labour MP Phil Goff had made in the House after a 20/20 television programme about Peter Ellis……..Mr Eade, who led the police investigation into Ellis, said his reputation had been damaged because Mr Goff had phrased questions in the House "as if the information in 20/20 were true".

1999-0311 - NZ First News Release - Ellis Case Highlights
Statement by Winston Peters - ”…
the public of New Zealand needs to have the confidence that proper legal processes were followed in the Ellis Case

1999-0311 - Statement to Parole Board by Peter Ellis
I cannot accept any Parole that you could offer me because the Board can only release me as a guilty man. I am a human being and of course I very much want my freedom, but I simply cannot accept it, if it is to be given, on the basis that I am a guilty man.  I am not a guilty man. I am an innocent man

1999-0309 - Waikato Times - Talks on Ellis release
The Parole Board will meet in Christchurch on Thursday to consider releasing former Civic Childcare Centre worker Peter Ellis

1999-0309 - Dominion - Ellis parole hearing
Convicted paedophile Peter Ellis had yet to decide if he would appear at a Parole Board hearing on Thursday

1999-0309 - Otago Daily Times - Ellis yet to decide on being at parole hearing
Convicted paedophile Peter Ellis has yet to decide if he will appear at a Parole Board hearing on Thursday, a spokeswoman for his lawyer, Judith Ablett-Kerr, said yesterday

1999-0308 - Waikato Times - Ellis preparing for life outside jail amid parole, pardon moves
NZPA - Mrs Ablett-Kerr recently said Ellis would not do anything that implied guilt. She has also petitioned the governor-general for a pardon for Ellis. A decision on that is expected before the Court of Appeal hears his case in May.

1999-0308 - Evening Post - Ellis undecided on hearing
NZPA - Convicted paedophile Peter Ellis has yet to decide if he will appear at a Parole Board hearing on Thursday, a spokeswoman for his lawyer, Judith Ablett-Kerr, said today

1999-0308 - Dominion - Ellis due for parole hearing
Convicted child molester Peter Ellis could soon be free, with a parole board hearing scheduled for Thursday night.

1999-0307 - Sunday Star Times - Ellis moves into self-care unit
by Kim Newth - Convicted child abuser Peter Ellis has been moved into self-care prison accommodation at Christchurch's Paparua Prison, known to be where prisoners go before their release

1999-0307 - Sunday Star Times - Parole Board should Free Ellis
by Frank Haden - M
embers of the Parole Board should be called to account for their wildly illogical double standards.  They repeatedly set the sex-crazed killer Peter Howse free to prey on harmless women, yet require an innocent man, Peter Ellis, to tell lies and say he's guilty of molesting small children before they'll release him

1999-0226 - Waikato Times - Ellis decision near
A decision from the Governor-General on a pardon for convicted paedophile Peter Ellis is likely before the Court of Appeal hears his case in May

1999-0226 - Otago Daily Times - Ellis pardon decision soon
A decision from the Governor-General on a pardon for convicted paedophile Peter Ellis is likely before the Court of Appeal hears his case in May. Justice Minister Tony Ryall said yesterday he was still considering a petition seeking a pardon for Ellis, but expected to provide formal advice to the Governor-General before Ellis' appeal, set down for May 31

1999-0226 - Mauri Pacific - Press Release Rana Waitai - MP
Rana Waitai, Law and Justice Spokesman for Mauri Pacific says time is approaching for another parole appearance for Peter Ellis who having been convicted of various sexual abuse offences in the notorious Christchurch Crèche, is in the seventh year of his sentence. When last I visited Peter Ellis he was amazed that no other Member of Parliament had bothered to visit him. I have absolute belief in his innocence, and he incidently, is the only one of the numerous "Trial by Television Victims" that I have ever considered to be innocent. 

1999-0225 - NZ Parliament - Petition for Pardon - Peter Ellis
Questions for Oral Answer - . Ron Mark (NZ First) to the Minister of Justice:  Noting that the next Parole Board hearing for Peter Ellis is due next month, can he explain why the petition to the Governor-General for a pardon, filed 16 November 1998, has still not been dealt with?

1999-0224 - Evening Post - Ellis parole hearing
Peter Ellis is likely to have his case considered by the Parole Board again early next month. His lawyer, Judith Ablett-Kerr, QC, said last night she had met Ellis and his case was due to be called for the second time in the week ending March 12.

1999-0224 - The Star - Ellis case goes back to parole board again
Convicted childcare worker Peter Ellis will get another chance at freedom next month when the parole board meets for the second time to consider his case. However, whether the 40-year-old will appear before the board remains in doubt as he is still awaiting a rare second Appeal Court hearing against his conviction and a decision from the Governor General on his application for a royal pardon.

1999-0224 - The Press - Ellis parole hearing in March
Peter Ellis is likely to have his case considered by the Parole Board again early next month. His lawyer, Judith Ablett-Kerr, QC, said last night she had met Ellis and his case was due to be called for the second time in the week ending March 12.

1999-0218 - NZ First - The market value of murder is up, Peter Ellis is down
New January 29 2006
by Ron Mark -
Mr Mark was also critical of the way that the Government has handled the Peter Ellis case, and called for the Minister to expedite the processing of a petition seeking a royal pardon from the Governor General before Ellis' parole hearing in two weeks.

1999-0214 - Sunday Star Times - Ellis debacle
by Neil McKenzie - The disgraceful difference is that in our country, [Peter Ellis] was convicted and incarcerated. This will one day stand alongside the Thomas case as one of our most heinous miscarriages of justice. And then we will ask ourselves how we could have allowed it to happen.