The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

1999 Jan-June Index

NZ First
February 18 1999

The market value of murder is up, Peter Ellis is down
Press Release by Ron Mark

New Zealand First MP Ron Mark today launched a scathing attack on Tony Ryall and the National Government's new crime initiatives. Speaking in response to the Prime Minister's statement Mr Mark said that National's policies were driven by nothing other than poll ratings and questioned the very sincerity of Mr Ryall and his new 'get tough' stand.

"It appears to us, that for the National party, The market value of a murder in an election year is infinitely greater than a murder, a bashing, or a burglary done at any other time.

"New Zealanders want more than words, they want action, and they want the Government to mean it when they say they are getting tough on crime; what they want is an iron fist, not a limp wrist.

"The fact is that we have heard it all before, in 1990 they were going to wipe out gangs, in 1993 they said they were getting tough on crime, but they failed. In 1996 they said the same thing and New Zealanders believed them, but New Zealanders won't be fooled again.

"Today in Parliament, the Minister of Justice, Tony Ryall said that he would only increase the maximum sentences, because, on balance the average sentence would increase. He should be worrying about the law of the land, not the law of averages - legislate and hope. The thing that New Zealanders want is long minimum sentences or at least mandatory sentences - that would show that he really means business.

Mr Mark was also critical of the way that the Government has handled the Peter Ellis case, and called for the Minister to expedite the processing of a petition seeking a royal pardon from the Governor General before Ellis' parole hearing in two weeks.