The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

1999 Jan-June

Mauri Pacific Party
February 26 1999

Media Release re Peter Ellis
by Rana Waitai, M.P.

Rana Waitai, Law and Justice Spokesman for Mauri Pacific says time is approaching for another parole appearance for Peter Ellis who having been convicted of various sexual abuse offences in the notorious Christchurch Creche, is in the seventh year of his sentence.

When last I visited Peter Ellis he was amazed that no other Member of Parliament had bothered to visit him.

I have absolute belief in his innocence, and he incidently, is the only one of the numerous "Trial by Television Victims" that I have ever considered to be innocent. 

He was the victim of a sexual and ritial abuse hysteria that for a while took possession of the public policy making process in the early 1990s. 

Even the Justice system and the Police took leave of their good judgement for a short while.

The Department of Social Welfare, which I find fairly suss at anytime, went even more extreme and so did the Accident Compensation Commission with it's generous victim handouts on the skinniest of information.

Peter Ellis must be pardonned and compensated for his time in prison.

The problem is that the Justice appeal processes will only consider material that was early presented to them and the glaring and disgraceful anomalies that were never put to a jury seem to be of no interest to the decision makers.

Practices occurred in the Christchurch Creche case that would never have been contemplated previously, and which would never be contemplated today.

I have no doubt that Peter Ellis will refuse any parole bar that which implies his total innocence.

He must be pardoned.