The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

1999 Jan-June

Otago Daily Times
Friday, 26-February 1999

Ellis pardon decision soon

Wellington: A decision from the Governor-General on a pardon for convicted paedophile Peter Ellis is likely before the Court of Appeal hears his case in May.

Justice Minister Tony Ryall said yesterday he was still considering a petition seeking a pardon for Ellis, but expected to provide formal advice to the Governor-General before Ellis' appeal, set down for May 31.

Ellis (40) is serving a 10-year sentence on charges of abusing children at the Christchurch Civic Creche. He has maintained his innocence throughout.

His first appeal was dismissed in 1994 but he gained a rare second appeal after a petition to the Governor-General resulted in a referral to the Court of Appeal.

Ellis is due to go before the Parole Board early next month. He turned down the chance to appear at a parole hearing in March last year because to accept the conditions of parole would have implied guilt.

Mr Ryall said the second petition from Ellis canvassed many of the issues in the first and also raised a number of new and complex issues.

There were five petitions before the Governor-General including one from convicted murderer David Bain.

"While it would be unfair to give special priority to the petition by Mr Ellis, the Government is aware of the importance of completing any investigations before the Court of Appeal hearing in May."