The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports


Sunday Star Times
March 7 1999

Ellis moves into self-care unit
by Kim Newth

Convicted child abuser Peter Ellis has been moved into self-care prison accommodation at Christchurch's Paparua Prison, known to be where prisoners go before their release.

The Parole Board is meeting this week to consider his case for the second time.

A prison source said the self-care units were like "fancy motels".

"It's the prison's way of adjusting inmates to getting out."

But long-time Ellis supporter Winston Wealleans said the move did not imply Ellis's release from prison was imminent.

"There are guys there with three or four years to go. I think probably it was just the fact he'd earned his place there by having been pretty well-behaved. He's never been a bother."

Ellis had been in the self-care area for a couple of months, he said.

Compared with normal prison life, the main difference was prisoners there were able to do more for themselves, such as their own cooking.

Before his transfer to Paparua, Ellis was in Rolleston Prison.

Ellis was sentenced to 10 years' jail in 1993 when he was found guilty of abusing children at the Christchurch Civic Creche. He turns 41 this month.

His lawyer, Judith Ablett-Kerr, QC, said while Ellis wished to have his freedom, he believed the most important issue was to re-establish his innocence.

He would do nothing to imply his guilt in order to get parole.

Meanwhile, Christchurch MP Ron Mark said he had spoken to Justice Minister Tony Ryall about speeding up the processing of a petition seeking a pardon for Ellis.

The petition, containing new information about the case, was delivered to the Governor-General in November.

"I think he'll live up to his word that will be done before the appeal," said Mark.

The Court of Appeal rejected Ellis's first appeal in September 1994, but a second appeal is set down for May.