The Christchurch Civic Crèche Case

News Reports Index

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This page last updated March 13 2005

1999-1226 - Sunday Star Times - Jury doubts     
by Lew Daltry - The legal profession will fight to the last to preserve its high-profile role in trials. The objective must be not to win but to obtain the truth. In the Ellis case, as in others, it clearly was not, parts only of the truth being selected to obtain a conviction

1999-1226 - Sunday Star Times - Ellis job   
Convicted child abuser Peter Ellis hopes to start work in a new job when he leaves Christchurch's Paparua Prison on February 2

1999-1219 - Sunday Star Times - Jury trial     
by Tom Blackhall - IS the justice system fair? Twelve people, totally untrained in law are plucked
from the street and put in a position of judging fellow citizens on very serious criminal charges. These untrained jurors come face to face with highly professional lawyers who are very skilled in manipulating evidence and facts to "prove" their case.

1999-1218 - Waikato Times - Rules tight for Ellis' release     
NZPA - Convicted child abuser Peter Ellis has been set special conditions for the first year after his release in February.

1999-1218 - The Press - Ellis release terms set     
Convicted child abuser Peter Ellis has been set special conditions for the first year after his release in February. ……….The special terms were to live at a specified address, not to contact the victims or their families without the written consent of his probation officer, and not to do any paid or voluntary work without the officer's approval.

1999-1218 - Dominion - Parole Board sets tough terms for Ellis     
Convicted child abuser Peter Ellis will have to live at a specified address for a year as part of conditions set by the Parole Board for his being freed from prison next February

1999-1218 - Otago Daily Times - Special parole conditions set for Ellis release
Convicted child abuser Peter Ellis has been set special conditions for the first year after his release next February

1999-1217 - Evening Post - Ellis faces tough terms if he accepts parole  
Convicted child abuser Peter Ellis has been set special conditions for the first year after his release next February.

1999-1211 - Waikato Times - Ellis won't sign   
NZPA - Convicted sex abuser Peter Ellis will refuse to sign any parole documents if they imply he was rightfully convicted, his lawyer says. Ellis will be released from prison on February 2, 2000, having served the mandatory two-thirds of his sentence

1999-1211 - The Press - Ellis given release date   
Convicted pedophile Peter Ellis will be released from prison on February 2. Ellis's counsel, Judith Ablett Kerr, QC, gave the date yesterday, saying it was the mandatory date for his release. "He has consistently declined the opportunity for early release on the basis that he could only be released early if he accepted conditions that were inconsistent with his claim of innocence," Mrs Ablett Kerr said.

1999-1211 - Dominion - Ellis's lawyer puts condition on signing   
NZPA - Convicted sex abuser Peter Ellis would refuse to sign any parole documents if they implied he was rightfully convicted, his lawyer, Judith Ablett-Kerr, QC, said yesterday

1999-1211 - Evening Post - Ellis won't admit guilt - lawyer   
NZPA - Convicted paedophile Peter Ellis won't sign parole documents if they imply he was rightfully convicted, his lawyer, Judith Ablett Kerr, QC, said yesterday

1999-1211 - Otago Daily Times - Ellis will not sign
NZPA - Convicted sex abuser Peter Ellis will refuse to sign any parole documents if they imply he was rightfully convicted, his lawyer said yesterday

1999-1211 - Dominion - Goff To Consider Pardon For Ellis
Phil Goff promised last night to give "early attention" to renewed calls for a pardon and commission of inquiry for convicted child abuser Peter Ellis, saying he would try to be fully briefed on the issues before Christmas

1999-1205 - Sunday Star Times - Goff To Probe Peter Ellis Case
Goff promises to take a closer look, feels “uneasy”

1999-1203 - Waikato Times - Ellis meeting sought   
NZPA - The lawyer representing convicted child sex offender Peter Ellis is seeking a meeting with Prime Minister-elect Helen Clark and the new minister of justice. Dunedin QC Judith Ablett Kerr yesterday said she would pursue Ellis' application for a pardon and royal commission of inquiry with the new coalition Government

1999-1203 - The Press - Ellis snubs parole board hearing   
"Mr Ellis wishes to make it clear that he intends no discourtesy to any individual member of the board, but rather is of the clear view that any involvement on his part in the process compromises his claim of innocence."

1999-1203 - Evening Post - Ellis' lawyer seeks Clark meeting     
The lawyer representing convicted child sex offender Peter Ellis wants to meet Prime Minister-elect Helen Clark and the yet to be named new Minister of Justice. Judith Ablett Kerr, QC, yesterday said she wanted to discuss Ellis' case and would pursue his application for a pardon and an inquiry

1999-1122 - Evening Post - Ellis may not attend Parole Board hearing     
Convicted child sex offender Peter Ellis is expected to continue his policy of not co-operating with the Parole Board at a hearing next month. His counsel, Judith Ablett-Kerr, QC, said …. Ellis had advised her that he didn't intend to appear before the board. His stance was that the board could only deal with him as a guilty person and therefore his attendance would be meaningless, Mrs Ablett-Kerr said.

1999-1118 - Green Party - Statement by Co-Leader By Rod Donald
Statement by Donald at Election Public Meeting  - explaining reasons why he has done nothing to support Peter Ellis since the last election when he had previously indicated he would have

1999-1116 - Dominion - Court Failed
by Alan Samson -
The Court of Appeal, in rejecting the latest appeal of convicted child abuser Peter Ellis, had missed an opportunity to look at a problematic case with a fresh eye, a report in the latest Law Journal says

1999-1116 - Usenet - Minister Justice writes to constituent
Letter by Tony Ryall -
A substantial amount of material has been presented in support of the application which will take some time to consider.

1999-1114 - Sunday Star Times – Ellis framed   
by R R Pollock - Ellis received a mock trial because more than half the testimony of his accusers was suppressed as it consisted of such absolute rubbish it would have been laughed out of court. He should never have been tried on manufactured evidence but he was and that fact will condemn the justice system forever. Guilty or innocent, Ellis was framed

1999-1114 - Sunday Star Times - Ellis evidence     
by Colleen Waugh- applaud Jerome Williamson's stand and loyalty to his father (October 31). A man's character and integrity are indeed his most treasured possessions. If there had been any doubts in his father's mind, they could only have been because Justice Williamson found the very law he served restricted him in dealing justly and correctly with the case on account of a poorly considered amendment in 1986 to the Evidence Act 1908

1999-1112 - Truth - Abuse claims costing us all   
by Maryvonne Gray - Families torn apart by child abuse accusations are being urged to back a call for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into what's been dubbed the "sex abuse industry". Gordon and Colleen Waugh, who run Casualties of Sexual Allegations (COSA), say millions of dollars are dished out for ACC claims each year--on little or no evidence

1999-1109 - Dominion - Teachers should touch children - lecturer     
By Jon Morgan - Schools should proclaim themselves to be "touching schools" where the touching of young children was encouraged, a Massey University teaching lecturer said
yesterday. "We need teachers and schools to get together and say, `Enough of this rubbish -- regardless of a climate of fear and mistrust, we can be trusted not to abuse your children'," Sarah Farquhar said.

1999-1108 - Waikato Times - Supporters deny Ellis dressing up   
NZPA - Allegations
convicted child abuser Peter Ellis has been allowed to wear dresses in Rolleston Prison have been rubbished by his supporters. Winston Wealleans, who maintains Ellis is innocent of the charges of child abuse at the Christchurch Civic Childcare Centre, has said the allegations made in the Sunday-Star Times were malicious nonsense.

1999-1108 - Dominion - Drag story rubbish say Ellis supporters   
NZPA - Allegations that convicted child abuser Peter Ellis has been allowed to wear dresses in jail have
been rejected by his supporters.

1999-1108 - Otago Daily Times - Supporters deny Ellis dress claims
NZPA - Allegations convicted child abuser Peter Ellis has been allowed to wear dresses in Rolleston Prison have been rubbished by his supporters

1999-1108 - The Press - Ellis in a Dress Report Dismissed
Allegations that convicted child abuser Peter Ellis has been allowed to wear dresses in Rolleston Prison have been rubbished by his supporters

1999-1108 - The Press - Peter Ellis Case
by Tighe Instone - I
f Mr Ellis is innocent of the crimes for which he has been convicted, then someone else must be guilty of abusing the children while they were in the care of the Christchurch Civic Crèche

1999-1107_Sunday Star Times_Ellis Wearing Dresses In Jail
by Barry Clarke -
Convicted child molester Peter Ellis has been allowed to wear women's clothing and cosmetics in jail.

1999-1107 - Sunday Star Times - Ellis case
I am a grandmother of a child complainant at the Peter Ellis trial. I wish to thank Sandra Coney (October 24) for her insight into the effects of the families of the Ellis-is-innocent campaign.

1999-1103 - Usenet - McLoughlin about Joy Bander
by David McLoughlin -
The appalling thing is that, despite Sue Sidey realising "Joy Bander" was the source of that kid's allegations, four of the charges on which Peter Ellis remains convicted resulted from those maternally manufactured allegations

1999-11 - NZ Law Journal - Points Of Appeal
New Zealand law Journal, November 1999, pages 413-414
Criminal Practice with Robert Lithgow
Research by Aroha Puata, Points of Appeal : Appealing too often, R v Ellis
The Court of Appeal approach to the Governor-General's reference has been widely described as restrictive rather than expansive. The opportunity has been missed for the Court of Appeal to use the Governor-General's reference procedure to look at certain problematic cases afresh with a genuinely new eye and greater developing understanding. The child sex abuse trial, and the mass allegation trial in particular, has swept the common law world. Tragedies have resulted and Courts have learned some hard lessons in their (ie the Courts and associated processes) vulnerability to public hysteria and false science. Eternal vigilance is also a principle of appellate oversight. In this case it was opportunity for oversight of themselves, the opportunity for peer review. The Court decided not to approach it in that way. And so it is demonstrated yet again that jurisdiction and the interpretation of the terms of reference of any criminal case can determine the outcome. Ellis No 2 is a case about process.

1999-1031 - Sunday Star Times - Distorted case
by Pat Booth - Sandra Coney (October 24) cites the Peter Ellis trial as "held up to more scrutiny than any other court proceedings held in New Zealand". In doing so, she seems to forget the history and lessons of the Arthur Thomas case.
....The case against Ellis has also been distorted and warrants a full and new judicial inquiry

1999-1031 - Sunday Star Times - Ellis dismay
by Cheryl Greenfield - Full marks to Sandra Coney for considering the question: "When will it be over for the children?" This is the first media consideration of the other side of the story I have read.

1999-1031 - Sunday Star Times - A scapegoat   
by Dennis Horne - Guilty or innocent, Ellis was the scapegoat for a botched investigation and the victim of a poor-quality trial. That, at least, is obvious.

1999-1031 - Sunday Star Times - A son's reply   
by Jerome Williamson - My father was not obsessed with the Ellis trial as Haden appears to be. He did not talk about it shortly before his unexpected death. On the occasions he spoke about the Ellis trial to me, he most certainly did not question his own conduct. Haden's turgid prose is fiction dressed up as an opinion.

1999-1030 - The Press - Peter Ellis Case
by Teresa MacIntyre -
As some wit said: "'What has the law to do with justice?" at least in this case

1999-1024 - Sunday Star Times - The crimes that never were
by Frank Haden - Two
things should happen without delay. The Prime Minister should set up a commission of inquiry into how the Peter Ellis disaster happened. Apart from the main consideration, justice, it would forestall the Satanic ritual abuse industry's next auto-da-fe

1999-1024 - Sunday Star Times - When will it be over for the children?
by Sandra Coney - Lets
spare a thought for the children of the Christchurch Civic Crèche case and their families. For nine years they have had to put up with the in-your-face campaign run by the Peter Ellis faction, with a great deal of media support. They are young adolescents now, and the continual denial of their abuse must cause considerable grief. Instead of the safety of knowing their abuser is behind bars, their victimisation has been prolonged. Ellis, his mother and the loquacious Judith Ablett-Kerr are constantly on the attack. There has been no voice for the children or their families all these years.

1999-1020 - Waikato Times - Memory expert calls for second trial for Ellis
New March 13 2005
A memory expert has called for a new trial for convicted child abuser Peter Ellis based on "science instead of rhetoric". ……Ellis has maintained his innocence……..But Victoria University psychology lecturer and memory specialist Maryanne Garry said Ellis should be allowed another trial.

1999-1020 - Otago Daily Times - Ellis deserves retrial - researcher
Convicted paedophile Peter Ellis deserves a new trial based on science rather than rhetoric, says a Victoria University memory specialist and psychology lecturer

1999-1020 - The Press - Ellis Retrial Deserved
by Cullen Smith, 
Convicted pedophile Peter Ellis deserves a new trial based on science rather than rhetoric, says a Victoria University memory specialist and psychology lecturer

1999-1020 - Dominion - Ellis should get retrial based on science - expert   

Memory specialist Maryanne Garry said research into children's memory had grown by "leaps and bounds" since Ellis's conviction. "The jury should have been properly educated when Ellis was originally tried by allowing psychologists to discuss the research on children's memory, something that didn't happen during the trial," Dr Garry said.

1999-1019 - Usenet - Jury Relationships
by David McLoughlin,
In any other court case, such relationships would have caused an immediate mistrial. In this one, the Court of Appeal didn't even want to hear about it.

1999-1019 - The Herald - Non Judicial Inquiry Needed
by Brian Rudman,   The justice system has failed Peter Ellis yet again. Now it's up to the Prime Minister to take a leaf out of Rob Muldoon's book and set up an urgent inquiry into the whole sorry mess.

1999-1019 - Evening Post - Parallels with Thomas case   

by Bryan Helm - There is a strong public perception that there were major flaws in the collection and presentation of evidence at his trial. In order that there be full confidence in the judicial system it is important that there be a royal commission into the evidence that led to his conviction.

1999-1017 - Sunday Star Times - Upset Ellis consoled by inquiry suggestion   

by Frank Haden - But though bitterly disappointed, Ellis had welcomed the judges' indication that a commission of inquiry would be a better forum to decide the issues raised in the Christchurch Civic Crèche case, Winston Weallans told the Sunday Star-Times

1999-1016 - The Press - Ellis's guilt 'beyond doubt'   

The Court of Appeal's latest rejection of an appeal by convicted child abuser Peter Ellis has put his guilt beyond all doubt, a spokeswoman for the complainants (Sex-abuse counsellor Reverend Patricia Allen) says,

1999-1016 - Dominion - Milestones

Rejected : By the Appeal Court, a second bid to overturn Christchurch crèche worker Peter Ellis's convictions for child abuse

1999-1016 - Evening Post - Ellis case victims' plea
NZPA - The Court of Appeal's latest rejection of an appeal by convicted child abuser Peter Ellis has put his guilt beyond all doubt, says a spokeswoman for the complainants, sex abuse counsellor the Rev Patricia Allen

1999-1015 - Waikato Times - Ellis battle not over   
A renewed call for convicted child abuser Peter Ellis to be pardoned will be put to Governor-General Sir Michael Hardie Boys on Monday

1999-1015 - Dominion - Push for Ellis pardon renewed   
by Alan Samson - Ellis, spoken to by his counsel Judith Ablett Kerr after the decision was given in Wellington, was reportedly "furious". After the decision, Mrs Ablett Kerr announced that she would renew her appeal to Sir Michael, as well as continue to battle for a royal commission of inquiry into the case.

1999-1015 - Dominion - Ellis camp vows to fight `for justice'   
by Alan Samson - Lesley Ellis, mother of convicted child abuser Peter Ellis, was "angry but unsurprised" yesterday that her son was to stay behind bars. The Court of Appeal's decision to uphold Ellis's convictions for child abuse had not been unexpected, Mrs Ellis said. The defence team and her son's supporters were angry that the ruling had been based on a contraction of the evidence

1999-1015 - Otago Daily Times - Ellis appeal turned down
NZPA - A renewed call for convicted child abuser Peter Ellis to be pardoned will be put to Governor-General Sir Michael Hardie Boys on Monday after the Court of Appeal yesterday dismissed Ellis' second appeal.

1999-1015 - The Press - Ellis supporters vow to fight on
by Martin van Beynen,  Supporters of convicted sex abuser Peter Ellis say they will fight on despite a second rejection by the Court of Appeal.

1999-1015 - Herald - Rare Second Appeal Fails
by Alison Horwood, 
Convicted child abuser Peter Ellis will continue a fight to prove his innocence, despite a second rejection by the Court of Appeal

1999-1014 - Waikato Times - Court rejects Ellis' appeal   
NZPA - The Court of Appeal has rejected the appeal against conviction of former Christchurch crèche worker Peter Ellis

1999-1014 - The Press - Ellis appeal decision due today   
The Court of Appeal is expected to release its decision today on the appeal against conviction of former crèche worker Peter Ellis

1999-1014 - Evening Post - Ellis stays in jail   
The Court of Appeal in Wellington today dismissed Ellis' latest appeal, a rare one resulting from Governor-General Sir Michael Hardie Boys referring the case back to the court. Outside court, Ellis' lawyer, Judith Ablett-Kerr, QC, said the result wasn't the last word on the case. "The battle to clear Mr Ellis' name goes on," she said

1999-1014 - Dominion - Decision on Peter Ellis appeal due today   
The wait for an Appeal Court decision on whether or not to free convicted child abuser Peter Ellis became almost unbearable for his mother, Lesley, yesterday, after advice that a final decision would be given today, on the biggest case of its kind heard in New Zealand. Mrs Ellis said that neither she nor Peter had reason to be optimistic about the decision

1999-1014 - Court of Appeal - Judgement
The Queen v Peter Hugh McGregor Ellis [1999]
NZCA 226 (14 October 1999) Judgement of the Court :
[95] For the reasons stated, we are not persuaded that any individual ground of appeal has been made out.Neither are we persuaded that their cumulative effect constitutes a miscarriage of justice.The appeal is therefore dismissed

1999-1008 - The Herald - Listener Cleared On Sex Gripe Case
The Press Council says a complaint against the New Zealand Listener over an article on convicted sex offender Peter Ellis is without merit. Colin Eade of Christchurch made serious allegations about an article in the April 3 issue, headed  A Mother's Son.

1999-0926 - Sunday Star Times - Sex inquiries   
by C Schischka - Your headline "Sex predator confesses to police" must leave many wondering just what is the criteria police follow when investigating possible paedophiles.

1999-0925 - The Press - City projects Lords plan
Christchurch has been prepared for the Second Coming of Christ, says City Manager Mike Richardson, a fundamentalist Christian.

1999-0924 - Waikato Times - Ellis refuses parole again   

NZPA - Convicted paedophile Peter Ellis has again refused to leave Christchurch Prison. Ellis has previously turned down two parole opportunities, saying that to take them would be to acknowledge guilt

1999-0924 - The Press - Ellis refuses to take home leave from jail     

Ellis has previously turned down two parole opportunities, saying that to take them would be to acknowledge guilt. His lawyer, Judith Ablett Kerr, QC, said that, consistent with his stance before the Parole Board, Ellis had declined home leave yesterday

1999-0924 - Evening Post - Ellis again says no to parole   

NZPA - Convicted paedophile Peter Ellis has again refused to leave Christchurch Prison. Ellis has previously turned down two parole opportunities, saying that to take them would be to acknowledge guilt

1999-0924 - Dominion - Ellis's mother asks Ryall for commission of inquiry   

New Dec 13 2004

by Alan Samson - Lesley Ellis, mother of convicted child abuser Peter Ellis, made her strongest appeal yet yesterday on behalf of her son, delivering a written plea to Justice Minister Tony Ryall for a royal commission of inquiry

1999-0924 - Otago Daily Times - Ellis says no to parole
Convicted paedophile Peter Ellis has again refused to leave Christchurch Prison. Ellis has previously turned down two parole opportunities, saying that to take them would be to acknowledge guilt.

1999-0924 - Dominion - Letter by MP - Rana Waitai
Rana Waitai backs Royal Commission of Inquiry

1999-0923 - Waikato Times - Ellis inquiry call   
The mother of Peter Ellis was to arrive in Wellington today to ask for a royal commission of inquiry into her son's conviction on sex offences

1999-0923 - Dominion - Ellis's mother to plead for commission of inquiry   
The mother of Peter Ellis, in jail after being convicted of child molesting, arrives in Wellington today to make an impassioned plea for politicians to hold a royal commission of inquiry into her son's controversial conviction

1999-0923 - Lesley Ellis - Letter to Minister of Justice
It is time to stop hiding behind technicalities and carry out a full inquiry for the good of all of Society.

1999-0816 - Otago Daily Times - Idea inspired by Ellis case
publicity surrounding two appeals against his conviction, and his continued insistence he is innocent, have kept the case firmly in the minds of thousands of New Zealanders.

1999-0801 - Sunday Star Times - Sex slurs forcing men out of teaching   
by Mark Henderson - The Education Review Office warns boys are underachieving in class and a lack of male role models has been blamed. Are sexual abuse safeguards harming children and damaging men's role as caregivers? …….Early childhood educators have clamoured to define "appropriate" behaviour following major prosecutions such as the Christchurch Civic Childcare Centre

1999-0800 - Revolution - The Ellis case
by Sharon Jones - The verdict on Ellis should be overturned and he himself should be released and compensated for his unwarranted imprisonment. Legislation such as the amendment to the Evidence Act should be repealed. Clear thinking and rationalism need to be brought back to the fore, and we need to be on guard against future moral panics

1999-0800 - Metro Magazine - Suffer the little children
by Stephanie Wheeler - Only Peter Ellis and the children at the Civic Crèche know whether Peter Ellis sexually abused the children there. Taking evidence from very small children may be difficult, but what is the alternative?

1999-0800 - Metro Magazine - A parent writes
by Iain Mitchell - I am not pontificating on Ellis’s guilt or innocence; three courts have done that work for me. However, I feel that the voices of those whose children were actually involved have not been heard in the years after the trial.

1999-0709 - Waikato Times - Appeal judges urged to take liberal approach   
NZPA - The Court of Appeal hearing into the 1993 convictions for child abuse of Peter Ellis ended yesterday with a strong plea that the court use wide discretion in deciding what evidence it would consider as admissible

1999-0709 - Truth - Justice for and by top women   
Women are more and more grabbing centre stage in a world of justice formerly dominated by men………..
A new name on everybody's lips as someone billed for stardom is that of Judith Ablett-Kerr QC. ……She's now championing convicted child molester Peter Ellis' well-founded freedom bid before the Court of Appeal and its five judges

1999-0709 - The Press - Call to use discretion in appeal   
NZPA - The Court of Appeal hearing into the 1993 convictions for child abuse of Peter Ellis ended with a strong plea that the court use wide discretion in deciding what evidence it would consider as admissible.

1999-0709 - Evening Post - Decision some time off - Ellis judges   
The Court of Appeal will take a "considerable time" to consider Peter Ellis' appeal against his 1993 convictions for child abuse.  At the end of the hearing yesterday, president of the court Sir Ivor Richardson said the judges would take "a considerable time" to carefully consider the material before it, and would deliver its judgment "in due course".

1999-0709 - Dominion - Ellis appeal ends with plea for `liberal approach' from judges
Ellis's counsel, Judith Ablett Kerr, urged the five-judge appeal bench to take a "liberal approach". "Because it's important that justice be seen to be done and that's what this court is really about, about justice.

1999-0709 - Otago Daily Times - Ellis appeal court hearing ends
The Court of Appeal hearing into the 1993 convictions for child abuse of Peter Ellis ended yesterday with a strong plea the court use wide discretion in deciding what evidence it would consider admissible.

1999-0708 - Waikato Times - No new facts in Ellis case, says Crown   
NZPA - Yesterday, in the third day of Ellis' second appeal, Simon France from the Crown Law Office said "the new evidence just isn't there".

1999-0708 - Waikato Times - No new Ellis facts: Crown     
NZPA - The jury that found Peter Ellis guilty of sex offences in 1993 had the "full picture", the Court of Appeal has been told

1999-0708 - The Press - Evidence 'not there' for Ellis appeal     
New Dec 13 2004

NZPA - The jury that found Peter Ellis guilty of sex offences in 1993 had the "full picture", the Court of Appeal has been told

1999-0708 - Evening Post - Ellis jury had `full picture' - Crown     
New Dec 13 2004

Ellis' lawyer, Judith Ablett-Kerr, has argued for the convictions to be quashed on six grounds: techniques used to obtain evidence, risks of contamination, retraction of evidence, the trial procedure, the jury and the non-disclosure of material. The defence had said that later research had produced a clearer understanding of children's development compared to 1992

1999-0708 - Dominion - Ellis jury had full picture, Crown tells appeal hearing
Allegations against convicted paedophile Peter Ellis involving children at a masonic lodge were incorrect and that was known at his trial, the Crown told the Court of Appeal yesterday. Putting the Crown case on the third day of Ellis's second appeal hearing against his 1993 convictions for sexually abusing crèche children, Simon France said that evidence that it would have been impossible for the children to enter the lodge, had been clear.

1999-0708 - Otago Daily Times - Jury in Ellis trial had full picture
The jury that found Peter Ellis guilty of sex offences in 1993 had the "full picture", the Court of Appeal was told yesterday

1999-0707 - Waikato Times - Ellis video tape ruling challenged     
New Dec 13 2004

NZPA - The jury in the sexual abuse trial of Christchurch crèche worker Peter Ellis should have been shown video tapes of children who made allegations which never resulted in charges, the Court of Appeal was told today

1999-0707 - Evening Post - Child evidence contaminated - Ellis lawyer     
New Dec 13 2004

NZPA - Claims by Christchurch children that crèche worker Peter Ellis sexually abused them were unreliable because their parents had asked them suggestive questions, the Appeal Court was told yesterday

1999-0707 - Waikato Times - Ellis' counsel tells of stress
NZPA - If the jury that convicted Peter Ellis had been aware of the extent of the investigating officer's stress and his relationships with mothers he was investigating "it would have made hay" with the information, the Court of Appeal in Wellington was told yesterday.

1999-0707 - Dominion - Officer's competence raised at Ellis appeal
In the second day of Ellis's second appeal against his 1993 convictions for sexually abusing crèche children, his counsel, Judith Ablett Kerr, rebutted arguments from the bench that the competence of the officer, Colin Eade, was beyond the scope of the hearing.

1999-0707 - The Press - 'Contaminating factors' stressed
NZPA - ….Speaking of repeated parental interviewing of their children, Mrs Ablett-Kerr said: "In my submission, the extent of interviewing by parents in this case was highly unusual." One parent had relayed her version of what another child's mother had said to her daughter, saying: "This is what (the girl) has said. Did it happen to you?". "If a professional interviewer did that, I have no doubt that it would have been thrown out," she said.

1999-0707 - Otago Daily Times - Jury ignorant of officer's stress
If the jury that convicted Peter Ellis had been aware of the extent of the investigating officer's stress and his relationships with mothers he was investigating, "it would have made hay" with the information, the Court of Appeal in Wellington was told yesterday.

1999-0706 - Waikato Times - Too many interviews, says lawyer for Ellis   
NZPA - Children who alleged crèche worker Peter Ellis sexually abused them should have been interviewed only once, the Court of Appeal was told today

1999-0706 - Waikato Times - Children's stories of Ellis grew, lawyer says     
NZPA - Allegations made by children against convicted paedophile Peter Ellis became increasingly bizarre the more interviews they were subjected to, the Court of Appeal in Wellington has been told.

1999-0706 - Evening Post - Ellis trial evidence contaminated - claim     
NZPA - Evidence from children that led to the conviction of crèche worker Peter Ellis was contaminated, his lawyer told the Court of Appeal yesterday

1999-0706 - Dominion - Child accusers pressured - Ellis lawyer
Opening her submissions, counsel Judith Ablett Kerr gave examples of children being pressured by five or six interviews. The stories had grown at each interview. In this way, by the fifth or sixth interview, an allegation that Ellis had shown a child his penis had grown to children having had to strip and dance naked, or been hung in a cage.

1999-0706 - The Press - Case History
NZPA - Allegations made by children against convicted pedophile Peter Ellis became increasingly bizarre the more interviews they were subjected to, the Court of Appeal in Wellington has been told. Opening her submissions for the appeal that began yesterday, counsel Judith Ablett-Kerr, QC, gave examples of children being pressured by five or six interviews

1999-0706 - Otago Daily Times - Claims against Ellis were increasingly bizarre
Allegations made by children against convicted paedophile Peter Ellis became increasingly bizarre the more interviews they were subjected to, the Court of Appeal in Wellington was told yesterday

1999-0705 - Waikato Times - Ellis' conviction wrong, lawyer says     
His lawyer Judith Ablett-Kerr, QC, said in court today there was a "multitude of reasons" for the miscarriage of justice, but she would focus on six. The appeal concerned the techniques used to obtain evidence, the risk of contamination, grounds involving retraction, the trial procedure, the jury, and the non-disclosure of material.

1999-0705 - Waikato Times - Ellis appeal today     
NZPA - Convicted paedophile Peter Ellis was due to have his second appeal heard in the Court of Appeal in Wellington today

1999-0705 - Evening Post - Conviction of Ellis `miscarriage of justice'     
His lawyer, Judith Ablett-Kerr, QC, said in court today there was a "multitude of reasons" for the miscarriage of justice, but she would focus on six. The appeal concerned the techniques used to obtain evidence, the risk of contamination, grounds involving retraction, the trial procedure, the jury and the non-disclosure of material. Ellis' mother, Lesley, and supporter Winston Wealleans were both in court