The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

1999 Jan-June

New Zealand First Party
March 11 1999

Ellis case highlights need for public confidence in proper legal processes
by Rt Hon Winston Peters

The Rt Hon Winston Peters MP, Leader of New Zealand First, today said that there had been a very significant elevation in the level of investigation in the Peter Ellis petition - the results of which will go before the Governor General.

"Sir Thomas Thorpe has now been asked to investigate the Peter Ellis petition on behalf of the Ministry of Justice. Sir Thomas Thorpe is a former High Court Judge and the former Head of the Parole Board. Peter Ellis is due to appear before the Parole Board at 5:00 pm today. Ellis' counsel, unlike the last time when they were prevented from appearing with Ellis, have been asked to appear this time," said Mr Peters.

"As Ron Mark (List MP, New Zealand First) has argued for months now, the public of New Zealand needs to have the confidence that proper legal processes were followed in the Ellis Case," said Mr Peters.

New Zealand First

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