The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

1999 Jan-June

Waikato Times
March 12 1999

Ellis silent at parole hearing

Convicted paedophile Peter Ellis appeared before the parole board yesterday, but did not speak.

Lesley Ellis said her son, 40, serving a 10-year sentence for abusing children at Christchurch's Civic Childcare Centre, explained his reasons for declining parole in writing.

Ellis' lawyer Judith Ablett-Kerr answered questions on his behalf during the 30-minute hearing. Afterwards, she released details of Ellis' written statement.

"I cannot accept any parole that you could offer me because the board could only release me as a guilty man," he said. "I'm not a guilty man, I am an innocent man."

Ellis has twice been refused bail pending a Court of Appeal hearing in May. The hearing is the result of a petition to the Governor-General requesting a pardon. His first appeal was dismissed in 1994, but he gained a rare second appeal.