The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

1999 Jan-June

Sunday Star Times
March 14 1999

Ellis analogy
Letter to the Editor
by S R Nicholson, Christchurch

I have little sympathy for Jenny Shipley over the Tourist Board scandal in which she claims she is entirely innocent. Possibly, but there appears to be more "evidence" to implicate her than there was to unjustly convict Peter Ellis (March 7).

By any sane consideration of the Ellis case there was absolutely no credible evidence against him. Obviously the man is innocent. His conviction is another disgraceful stain on our sloppy legal and justice systems, to add to the Winebox Commission decision and all the others.

With their stultifying lack of vision, Shipley and her economic ministers are no more than economy molesters. If an innocent man can be jailed for nine years, surely the public should insist Shipley and her cohorts are incarcerated in opposition for at least the same period with three-yearly reviews by an equally unsympathetic Parole Board -- the long-suffering public.