The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

1999 Jan-June

Sunday Star Times
March 21 1999

Fairy Tales
Letter to the Editor
by Sarah Smuts-Kennedy, Auckland

I am tired of statements that "children make up astonishing fairy tales about things that obviously could never occur" and are "thoroughly indoctrinated by other social workers" (March 7).

Frank Haden may be a kind, naive man who can't imagine people do such vile things. Abused children would remind you they do, and will continue to do so until society starts believing it and implementing structures that ensures it stops.

When your children are murdered/raped no one disbelieves. Why are we then subjected to such appalling disbelief when abused in horrid, deviant ways?

Comments like Haden's belong to the dark ages. Continuing to discredit complainants only prolongs the pretence that this kind of abuse doesn't exist in New Zealand.

Paedophilia must not be ignored. It may be easier to believe we spin stories than to deal with the consequences that we speak the truth but be careful in suggesting we're lying as our courage may very well protect a child you love.

Haden's bold statements about Ellis's innocence are, in turn, creating "fairy tales".