The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

1999 Jan-June

March 26 1999

Jail `backs Bain'
by Rachel Wike

David Bain freedom fighter Joe Karam predicts his man will walk free in the next few months--"and the whole nick's backing him!"

"Nearly everyone believes he's innocent--Paparua Prison wardens and staff," says Karam. "Other inmates give him preferential treatment."

But the cops who nabbed Bain don't really know anything about him, says Karam. Only junior officers interviewed Bain, he claims.

Karam hopes the case, which he alleges is full of incompetence by the cops, will soon come to an end.

"Our petition is with the Governor General. It's being investigated thoroughly and I am confident David will be freed. It's a shame the process takes such a long time," says Karam.

Peter Ellis also has a petition before the Governor General and David Dougherty got off on one last year.

These are all very different cases but have one common thread, says Karam--police bungling.

"They can never see they made a mistake. They fight to the bitter end--just look at the Arthur Allen Thomas case."