The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

1999 Jan-June

Sunday Star Times
March 28 1999

Ellis innocent
Letter to the Editor
by Lew Daltry, Auckland

I doubt if anyone wants to make a hero of Peter Ellis (March 21), but there is a mass of evidence, not presented at the trial and excluded at the appeal, which makes him not guilty. It is inconceivable he can be guilty if the women charged for the same offences are innocent as is now accepted.

The methods used to obtain evidence from the children needs scrutiny. Of course children are normally truthful, but they can be manipulated to say what they think is required.

Frank Haden is the only journalist to proclaim this case as a miscarriage of justice from the first and to take the trouble to visit Ellis.

For this he deserves the thanks of all who value justice. He made the point that paedophiles arriving in prison are normally subjected to immediate assault and abuse, but that Ellis has never been so assaulted.