The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

1999 Jan-June

The Dominion
April 1 1999

Potter should be jailed indefinitely, says Henare

Convicted paedophile Bert Potter should have been kept behind bars indefinitely for the safety of the community, Maori Pacific leader Tau Henare said yesterday.

He questioned the "double standards" of the parole board in freeing Potter.

"Earlier this month, the same parole board refused (convicted sex abuser) Peter Ellis parole, saying: `As the offender has not acknowledged or addressed his offending, the board . . . has no option but to decline parole'," Mr Henare said.

But Potter was unrepentant, saying that he claimed he had harmed no one and owed none of his victims an apology.

"The parole board has released a monster, while incarcerating a man whose innocence is a matter of conjecture.

"Peter Ellis has never said it is okay to have sex with children, in fact he would be appalled by the sentiments of Bert Potter.

"There's a clear double standard and creeps like Bert Potter ought to be kept behind bars indefinitely for the safety of the community."