The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

1999 Jan-June

Waikato Times
May 11 1999

Ellis pardon rejected, appeal terms widened

Convicted paedophile Peter Ellis has had his plea for a free pardon turned down by Governor-General Sir Michael Hardie Boys.

But Ellis supporters are celebrating news that Sir Michael had agreed to a second request, to widen the terms under which his case to the Court of Appeal can be heard.

"This is the best we could have hoped for," Ellis' mother Lesley said. Ellis had been aware of the decisions when she visited him late on Sunday.

Ellis petitioned the governor-general for the exercise of the royal prerogative of mercy for a second time in November last year. His first petition, in December 1997, resulted in the case being referred back to the Court of Appeal.

The appeal is due to be heard in Wellington on May 31.

The second petition sought a free pardon for Ellis, or alternatively for his case to be considered by the Court of Appeal on broader grounds than previously referred.

Justice Minister Tony Ryall said today he had advised the governor-general that the terms of reference of the case to the Court of Appeal should be broadened after receiving advice from retired High Court judge Sir Thomas Thorp. He had also advised it was inappropriate to consider the pardon application "at this stage".

Ellis was convicted in 1993 on 16 charges of molesting children at the Christchurch Civic Creche. His case has attracted widespread sympathy from supporters, including politicians, who believe he is innocent.

There have been a series of disclosures about the case, including claims some of the children Ellis was said to have abused had since retracted their stories.

Jurors' credibility had been brought into question after allegations in a television documentary that the jury foreman had been marriage celebrant at the wedding of crown prosecutor Brent Stanaway, and a woman jury member failed to declare a lesbian relationship with a woman who worked with the mother of one of the accusers.