The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

1999 Jan-June

The Southland Times
May 14, 1999

Peter Ellis
Letter to the Editor
by Frank Macskasy (Dunedin)

It is disappointing that Peter Ellis has not been given a pardon that he obviously deserves. It is blatantly clear to even the most casual observer that Peter Ellis should never have been convicted for the non-existent child-abuse cases at the Christchurch Civic Creche. The evidence was dubious to say the least; the area of the creche was wide open to public scrutiny; and the testimony from the children inconsistent. Some have since retracted.

We should also not forget that the whole case took place in an atmosphere of public hysteria over satanic ritual abuse. Visiting so-called "experts;" incredible claims of secret satanic cults; and self-styled `'therapists" gave the media an orgy of spectacular headlines and "stories." Even the much-respected National Programme was not immune to this 20th century version of a witch hunt, complete with sacrificial offering: Peter Ellis.

To use a much-loved phrase from the ritual-abuse industry, the judicial system is "in denial" over this gross miscarriage of justice.