The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

1999 Jan-June

May 14 1999

Gutless lot let Ellis sink

C'mon - let's ALL give Peter Ellis a fair go

While the four women charged with him in the notorious 1993 Christchurch Civic Creche case walked free, Ellis has been pilloried and imprisoned on the most questionable of evidence.

Society wanted, even demanded, a scapegoat--AND Ellis was it.

He copped 10 years' imprisonment on conviction of 16 trumped-up charges of molesting children.

But more and more people--including this newspaper--are of the opinion Ellis has been the fall guy --but FEW have had the guts to say so

The media, society's so-called watchdogs, has largely sat back because of an old adage that says "You don't run a campaign unless it's going to be popular".

It was "popular" in the 70s to campaign for the release of Arthur Allan Thomas. It's NOT popular in the 90s to question or prosecute the evidence of children--and that's largely why Ellis has been left out in the cold.

Our sister paper, The Sunday Star Times, despite criticisms, bravely and successfully followed the David Dougherty case through to a scientific conclusion which proved "beyond all reasonable doubt" stains in a little girl's underwear did not come from his body.

But when it came to mass public acclaim for taking such a gritty stance--the silence was deafening.

If Ellis is guilty of anything it's daring to be a male in a world dominated by women who had the audacity to presume it was natural to show uncompromising affection for those in his care.

And if that's a crime--then Ellis is as guilty as hell