The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

1999 Jan-June

May 18 1999

Delay possible in Ellis Appeal

Wellington, May 18 - Convicted paedophile Peter Ellis was reportedly distraught today after news that the Court of Appeal had met in chambers to consider a postponement to his appeal hearing.

The Court of Appeal confirmed that the judicial conference took place at 9.30am today.

A decision was expected "within the next few days".

The Crown Law Office, understood to be seeking the postponement to have more time to prepare for the widened terms of Ellis' appeal, currently set down for May 31, refused to comment.

Ellis' mother, Lesley Ellis, said he was "keyed up and quite upset" at what he believed would probably result in a delayed appeal hearing.

If the trial was postponed, it could be a couple of months.

When someone had said to her son, "What's a couple of months?", he had replied: "Why don't you come in here and spend it for me?"

"It seems they're fighting this every inch of the way," Mrs Ellis said. "You feel so helpless."

The scope of Ellis' appeal hearing was widened last week by Governor-General Sir Michael Hardie Boys on advice from retired High Court judge Sir Thomas Thorp.

Ellis, convicted in 1993 on 13 child abuse charges is, if the appeal fails, due to leave prison next February when he finishes serving two-thirds of a 10-year sentence.