The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

1999 Jan-June

The Evening Post
May 20 1999

Peter Ellis a victim of nasty moral hysteria
Letter to the Editor
by Frank MacSkasy, Dunedin

It must be clear to the most casual observer by now that the case against Christchurch childcare worker Peter Ellis has completely collapsed.

Charges that he molested children while employed at the Civic Creche simply do not withstand scrutiny.

It is therefore difficult to comprehend why the Governor-General has not proceeded with issuing a free pardon for Ellis.

It should be remembered that the case against Ellis was prosecuted at a time when this country, and others, was in the grip of a particularly nasty moral panic and hysteria - incredible stories of secret, organised satanic ritual cults dominated our media, aided by visiting foreign "experts" and local, self-styled "therapists".

While Ellis was prosecuted and convicted, his female co-workers, originally also charged, had their cases dropped. There was a stunning lack of evidence, it seems.

The imprisonment of Peter Ellis flies in the face of logic, justice and sheer common sense.

Until he is freed we cannot face up to a particularly unsavoury moment in our recent history.