The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

1999 Jan-June

The Evening Post
May 21 1999

Ellis appeal now in July

An appeal for Peter Ellis, convicted of child sex abuse at Christchurch's civic creche, has been delayed until July.

His appeal was to have begun on May 31 but this week the Court of Appeal received a new and wider reference from the Governor-General.

In a statement released yesterday, a court spokesman said the appeal would now be heard on July 5.

Counsel for Ellis and the Crown discussed the new timetable at a private hearing at the court on Monday.

An earlier appeal was dismissed but Ellis got a rare second appeal after petitioning the Governor-General.

The Governor-General first referred the matter back to the Court of Appeal a year ago. Since then Ellis' lawyers have been asking for the scope of the appeal to be widened.

Last week the Governor-General announced the terms would be extended.

Ellis is still serving the 10-year prison term imposed on him. He was refused bail pending the appeal hearing.