The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

1999 July-Dec

August 1999

A Parent Writes
Letter to the Editor
by Iain Mitchell,  (Rotorua)

My son was five at the time. We were walking in Hagley Park, across the soccer pitches, close to the Civic Creche, when [he] froze on the spot and began to shake. “Is that Peter?” he asked me. The only person in sight was about 100 metres away, with a mop of black hair and wearing a checked Swandri type shirt, similar to the one that Peter Ellis, and hundreds of other Kiwis, wore. “No,” I replied, “Peter is away for a wee while, you’ll be OK.”

What brought us to this? For about a year our son attended the Civic Creche on Mondays and Thursdays most weeks, until he went to primary school. Twice in that year he came home with an extremely sore, raw anal area. He screamed and yelled in pain when we applied cream to that area.

He loved the creche at first, but as the year progressed, when we dropped him off around 830am, he would refuse to let us go until most of the staff arrived after nine. He began to tell us things that a four-year-old should not know. He began to act in a sexually inappropriate manner. He began to attach himself to any male that came into our house. He began to attack me (his father) quite viciously, around the groin area, without warning. There were numerous other problem behaviours. This was not our child. It took four years of careful, thoughtful and at times stressful parenting to get him back to the child we had known...

As to the topography of the crèche. No doubt the toilets were open to view after the fact, but when the creche was a functioning unit, there was no clear space between the supervisor’s door and the toilet. The line of sight was cluttered with sofas, bookcases, chairs and so on.

I am not pontificating on Ellis’s guilt or innocence; three courts have done that work for me. However, I feel that the voices of those whose children were actually involved have not been heard in the years after the trial.

I listen to the views of Mr Macskasy (Letters to the Editor, July) and others of his ilk, and think, that’s fine in theory, but you were not there! This chap is only giving his opinion, as he is entitled to do, but I know what happened. Justice has been served.