The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

1999 July-Dec

Metro Magazine
August 1999

Suffer the little children
Letter to the Editor
by Stephanie Wheeler  (Dunedin)

Only Peter Ellis and the children at the Civic Crèche know whether Peter Ellis sexually abused the children there. Taking evidence from very small children may be difficult, but what is the alternative? We all know the abuse of very small children happens, whether or not they are able to give credible accounts of it. Preschoolers have been found with injuries to their genital areas and some are infected with sexual diseases. Tiny girls have been raped, tiny boys sodomised. Some like Delcelia Witika die and only then is it proven they were being sexually abused. To talk about “hysteria” in regard to satanic ritual abuse and child abuse is itself far-fetched. I would say any loving parent who had reason to believe their child had been sexually abused would have every right to be hysterical.

As for satanic cults, their trademark is secrecy. I would be terrified if I became victim to a cult. It is small wonder that anyone subjected to fear and degradation would want to stay very silent. I had a friend who could no longer cope with the fear of when the cult would strike again. She is now dead after suicide. I’ve not had personal experience of satanic cults but if I had, I cannot imagine anything worse than trying to get help and not being believed.

Overseas experiments are suggesting that small children actually remember far more than we give them credit for. If there are further investigations into Peter Ellis’ case, it may well be that the Civic Crèche children are able to contribute memories that will help to make the picture clearer. What non-abused children do not know are the kinds of abuse disturbed adults perpetrate on small children. When a number of children describe similar acts, there would certainly seem to be something to worry about.