The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

1999 July-Dec

23 September 1999

The Honourable Tony Ryall
The Minister of Justice
c/- Parliament Buildings

Dear Minister

Peter Hugh McGregor Ellis

On behalf of my son Peter, myself and the numerous people of New Zealand who have experienced concerns about the Civic Crèche Inquiry and given their personal support of Peter, I urge you to call for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Christchurch Civic Crèche Investigation.

I make this plea knowing that we still await the outcome of Peter's Appeal but a Royal Commission is a separate issue and a course that should be followed regardless of the outcome of the Appeal. I say this because I have sat through two Appeals and have been quite distressed by the limitations of the appeal process. The Courts seem so hung up on procedure and technicalities whereas Peter and I have only ever been interested in the truth. We want the whole picture to be seen and think that most New Zealand people would agree that that's what Justice is all about.

The government is concerned at why young men do not go into teaching very young children. I would have thought Peter's case provides a very strong reason why they do not.

You have to ask yourself how an Education Review Office Report that was conducted at exactly the same time as the supposed offending could find that the Crèche was such a positive and happy environment for the children.

A Royal Commission could carry out an inquiry whereas the Court of Appeal has repeatedly said it will not. The investigation and prosecution of allegations of sexual abuse against children is an important matter for the whole of society. We need to ensure that whilst the guilty are convicted the innocent are acquitted. It is vital for everyone that the investigation be done properly and that Courts can rely on getting the whole picture not just selected bits.

I have learned from the appeal that other countries have recognised the need for special care in crèche type cases and Australia has held a Royal Commission of Inquiry that included identifying the dangers associated with the prosecution of mass hysteria crèche type cases. Why as a country do we in New Zealand lag behind.

It is time to stop hiding behind technicalities and carry out a full inquiry for the good of all of Society.

Yours faithfully

Lesley Ellis
On behalf of myself and my son Peter