The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

1999 July-Dec

September 24 1999

Peter Ellis
by Rana Waitai MP.

With the imminent release of the court of appeal findings in the Peter Ellis appeal, his mother Lesley Ellis is sending a letter to the Minister of Justice, Tony Ryall and a copy to all other members seeking a Royal Commission of Enquiry.

She is absolutely right, a Royal Commission of Enquiry is able to open up avenues of enquiry much wider than the matters that are the subject of appeal.

As a great number of right thinking New Zealanders now realise there was a low spot in the enforcement of law and the administration of justice in this country during the early nineties.  At that time an hysteria based on sexual abuse of children coincided with an hysteria of ritual abuse passed through New Zealand.  The ritual abuse hysteria was of very short duration and its promoters were from the idiot fringe of new age psycho-babble.  Rapidly as it passed it stayed long enough to snare one single prominent victim  Peter Ellis.

As people look back on our history they will marvel at how normally sane organisations such as the police and the courts could have been caught up in what will be seen plainly as a tragic aberration.  Social welfare and more particularly its sexual abuse units, at the time had been captured for some while by sexual abuse zealots and so there will be no real sense of surprise there.  Likewise with ACC.  There was that period when they handed out lump sum payment to alleged sexual abuse victims on the flimsiest of evidence.  I understand that some 60 payments of $10,000 were made to the Ellis victims, many of whom have since recanted.  It will be interesting to see how many refunds of tax payers money there were from recanters.

Crack pot psychologists and counsellors peddling the since debunked idea of regressive memory recollection of sexual abuse in childhood, while babies, and for all we know in past lives, had a brief reign at that time, before New Zealand came to its senses.  The shame of it is that it had all happened before, with identical scenarios, in England, America and Australia.

There are a lot of questions that remain unanswered in this whole sorry saga and a Royal Commission of Enquiry is the correct vehicle to reveal the truth.

Mrs Lesley Ellis, herself, was the subject of incredible allegations, all from the realm of high fiction.  As Peter Ellis's mother she had to put up with that nonsense as well the torment of having an innocent son imprisoned.

When I first became involved in this matter some two years ago and started visiting Peter Ellis to hear his version first hand, a stated publicly that I hope that Peter Ellis is richly compensated for his seven years in Prison.  There is a theory that the going rate for false imprisonment should be $1000.00 a day.  That would be a good starting point for this abomination in our legal history.

I am certain that all MPs will receive Mrs Ellis and her letter well.  This is not a matter that one should make political capital out of and it would be disappointing if any politicians should use it for that purpose.